
And yet no charges for false report, and no 72 hour hold.

The right course of action would have been to arrest this woman for harassment and wasting police resources. You KNOW that a POC who called the police for bullshit reasons would not get off with no consequences.

Interestingly enough this 50 yo walking 2 fluffy dogs STILL was made to fit the profile of the hulking young buck.

White people treat black people like we didn’t build all this shit. Even most of the shit they like was invented by black people. If it wasn’t invented by black people, it was invented by Hispanic people, or Asian people, or Arabic people, or basically any race that wasn’t the type of people who raped and pillaged

If they didn’t want us to be part of their country, they should have picked their own fucking cotton.

After she called the cops, she went back to watching Handmaids and wringing her hands over how bad white women have it.

I was happy when I turned 30. I mean I was seriously happy about it. The reason wasn’t that I made 30 after having health issues. It was because I wasn’t in the black male 18-25 range that always gets blasted out by the media when a crime happens. Now that I’m older, I realize that the shit never stops. Fuck.

Crazy thing is that this innocent man going back to France is exactly what people like his neighbor want. For him to not be walking on her street, in her town, in her state, in her country.

This assumes that people become police officers to make a difference and making communities safer and not because they really enjoy the idea of riding around in a Dodge Charger with a gun.

Any movie “set in the future” is really just a movie set in the present which only serves as unintentional humor when watched decades later (“They seriously thought *that* hairstyle would last?”)

Get ready for Wonder Woman 2000!

Pop fans got him gassed up

its because drake is used to winning rap beefs on social media. trying to do that to a straight up drug dealing street dude who does not give a fuck is just not gonna fly. its like a professional wrestler getting into a boxing or mma ring.

Pusha Thanos went after Lil Wayne (arguably the biggest rapper at the time) and threatened to kill Birdman on his very first verse of We Got It For Cheap back in 2008.

NEVER underestimate the stupid. My gut tells me there’ll be multiple parents who take their kids to this, will be informed by the ticket person that it’s R rated, and the parent will accuse them of telling them how to raise their kids. 15 min later they drag their kids out and demand to speak to a manager about how

Spy was good, and Bridesmaids had its moments.

As if Sesame Street weren’t already one of the best things in the whole world, even their legal disputes are carried out with an inhuman level of decency and respect.


I agree. As talented as Evan Rachel Wood is, I haven’t felt much investment in her villainous turn. She’s neither a reluctant nor enthusiastic baddie, just one going through the motions she thinks she needs to do in order to remain free, without much emotion or reflection. It’s like she’s more robotic now than when

The Kwisatz Hosterach