
“I hope someone closes off the sewers around the courthouse so his lawyers can’t slither back to where they came from.”

It is wrong, though. I think it might just be normal explaining.

After lots of research I’ve come to the conclusion that the internet will have sex with anyone/anything.

Wow, this is the longest film review I’ve seen on AV Club in years. And it’s for Super Troopers 2.

This hit me a lot harder than I thought it might.

Back in my day, the English language didn’t evolve or change over time!

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Elon Musk, and Ben Carson each embody the problems of having only a science background with no wider knowledge of the liberal arts as well as the fallacy of being smart in one thing gives your opinion and views weight in all topics.

Yet, under Alabama’s accomplice liability law, Lakeith was not only tried as an adult, but charged in the death of A’Donte, even though it was a cop’s bullet who ended the 16-year-old’s life (the still unnamed officer was found justified in the killing by a grand jury).

That is the laugh of a kid who knows the system is fucked, knows he’s getting locked up for no reason, and knows the actual cop who committed the actual murder got off free.

Stands in stark contrast to the trials of six officers who all participated in delivering Freddie Gray to jail with a severed spine, doesn’t it?

I’m tired, so damn tired of this injustice.

This will forever be my main piece of evidence for why the new trilogy is a mess. There was no clear view, no planned story arc, for the entirety of it for any of its characters.

It’s been pointed out by others that it’s neat how Ben Solo’s lineage shows how corrupting this idea of legacy is and how much damage it does to the idea of a transcendent Force. Luke atoned for the sins of his father, but now it’s going to take someone completely unaffiliated to break the cycle of destruction/renewal

Rey’s parents being nobodies is the best choice — it pulls Star Wars away from being stuck in the stupid “bloodlines are important” idea and also gives us a protagonist outside of the Skywalker-Solo clan that we care about.

Yes, and it makes her character even better. She’s awesome because of what she does and the content of her character, not because of ancestry.

I agree, and I really, really hope JJ follows through on it and doesn’t muck it up. The mystery box has to die. Kill it if you have to, JJ.

God, I was so relieved when her parentage was revealed in Jedi. I was dreading the whole lead-up to the inevitable reveal, because any possible narrative tying her into the original trilogy would feel so contrived and watery. Both the reveal and Kylo’s casually cruel delivery of it was one of the most satisfying parts

Their base supports the police killing unarmed black men. If they say anything negative about police killing unarmed black men, their base will not be happy. If he loses his base, he’s fucked, since he ONLY has the support of his base. It’s pretty simple really.

Learn CPR!

These kids just need to pick themselves up by their bootstraps when they get shot. Something something... largest victory...etc... Benghazi