
Ignoring for a second that Mo’Nique ain’t even funny, how she gonna claim Netflix being racist and then mention they gave Rock and Chappelle 20 million dollars? How she gonna claim Netflix being sexist and then mention they gave Schumer 13 million dollars?

Sometimes it is not good to give away your trade craft or cultural secrets. In business there is competition. Unfortunately in America, we praise individualism and frown upon collectivism. It is all about the individual, who has the most money or who has the most assets. Apple would never give up its secrets to

One day black women must realize that the white woman is not your sister. Your circumstances aren’t the same, nor is she your friend. As you all are bearing witness with the women’s march, when issues that directly affect you are raised, the crowds get noticeably quiet. The stealing of black culture for finacial gain

Have no real interest in watching it because I have grown tired of every aspect of black culture being looked at like a frog dissection. For real our Greek Life and traditions are nothing like what white sororities and frats do, on some levels not all I’m not that naive, so I don’t think a film where a black scholar

No. This is magical negro bullshit. Make the world better by teaching white girls some Black people shit. Might as well call it The Help: College Years. Or Bring It On: Just For The Hell Of It. Double thumbs down if at any point someone utters “You Go Girl.”

What if the ham sandwich is drenched in mayo?

This kind of behavior is why Hollywood, including her black friends in the industry like Lee Daniels, stopped working with Mo’Nique. She is an entitled, ignorant woman who consistently bites the hand that feeds her. Netflix was being generous with their offer, because there’s no way Mo’Nique fans in 2018 would bring

I haven’t finished the 4th season of Black Mirror. So... no

I don’t want to grow up. I’m a Toys R In Their Original Packaging kid.

The fellow takes the saying “Art is never finished, only abandoned” waaaaay too seriously.

So will that mask fit an adult? Just asking for a friend.

I thought his original name was Darkseid.

I think it’s a problem that’s just baked in. If your heroes are vigilantes, then they’re in conflict with the government and run the risk of being tyrants/bullies. If they’re administered by the government, then they’re inevitably subject to governmental/systemic corruption.

Oh fuck you, Mika. It’s different when your “friend” does it, right? Those bitches lie! she’s garbage just like Scarborough. They may hate Trump now that he’s gone after them but they helped foist that asshole on all of us. She’s a moron.

Can you imagine how awesome it would be if the rapture occurred and swept away all the goddamn Christians? It wouldn’t solve everything, but damn if I wouldn’t take a day off to celebrate.

Doesn’t matter, Trump gives the right what they want, whatever their stripe. That’s all that matters - evangelicals get homophobia and the end-times, white nationalists get racism, the rich get tax cuts and a weaker regulatory environment, Paul Ryan gets to put his boot on grandma’s neck, the military-industrial

This is why I’m not here for any black person who voted for Donald Trump but particularly not for black people her age (43). If you are a black person in your 40's you are old enough to remember the Central Park Five. And you are old enough to remember that Donald Trump took out a full page ad in the New York Times

“Voting for a racist, sexist demagogue who literally hates everything I am was worth it so I could tell other women what they should do with their God given autonomy. Because God hates women who have abortions, but he loves serial molesters who walk in on underaged girls in dressing rooms, grab women by the pussy, and