I dont know any other way to put this . Its fucking stupid .
I dont know any other way to put this . Its fucking stupid .
Yes . Yes it does . So does night drinking and playing video games .
Since you asked… No . I wanted to like it .I enjoyed the other three shows . I could not find any reason to like this show . But your probably a masochist like me and you will finish it anyway .
After watching shows like Banshee and movie like the Raid 1and 2 . I really looked foward to Iron fist . This is not a good show by any means . The worst parts are the writing and the lead . You have two actors from Banshee in this show . So how do the creators watch that show with all its top notch fight scenes and…
Ok but ,Why is he still 10 years old . You cant grow up and mature in a monestary ? This is my biggest problem with this character . He earned the title iron fist . Defeating other warrior monks in combat and somehow he never grew into a man . The amount of dicipline it would take to live and train for over a decade…
Well Im glad you are enjoying it . Its pretty bad too me .
Yes , nothing against him but he was just miscast . I dont by him in this role . He has brought nothing to the role and his martial arts are terrible . Hes supposed to be the top martial artist in his clan . He doesnt look like he prepared for the role at all .
Ive had hour long rants about that very subject that leave me more frustrated than when Ive began . By the time im finished my wife probably questions why she married me. So… no its not just you cleek .
Adam : What are you ?
Boy : Im a boy
Adam : What am I ?
Boy : Youre a monster
Adam : Oh , I thought so
I love that scene .
Do you quack ?… You will .
Cool . But Im waiting for Black lightnings daughter . That Density shifting tho . Im sorry ive been drinking .
I disagree , I think his show is one of the only programs people can debate difference in political views uncensored . Maher isnt perfect and neither is his show but had Milo on his show and in less than a week he lost his book deal and his main forum . Having Milo on spewing his nonsense seems like a necessary evil.
Yes , Thats what I got from the interveiw . At one point I think he actually said it he was a troll . He thrives on drama and chaos . Not to diminish all the people hes attacked but hes just a shit starter . We have to debate people we dont agree with even if I find what Milo says incoherant and vile . This is still…
I was watching an episode of green acres . I was amazed at how sharp the writing was . I mean joke after joke, timing everything was flawless . I think the improv in movies has hit critical mass .
Exacty , Batman would be the last one running around the globe gathering heroes for a team . ID like to place all the blame on Afleck but he wasnt close to being the worst part of that movie .
Yes , Xmen legends was a great game . Im suprised its not mentioned .Children of the Atom was a great fighting game . I remember on game every character had a enegy bar for mutant power . So you could only use wolverines claws for a short time . Nightcrawlers teleportation could leave you in the opposite direction you…
Well ,Im all warmed up Ive been screaming at my view sreen for atleast 19 months now .
Its about time !! Mantas one of my favorite villians . The way things are going it might not be bad for a black man like myself to build a Deep sea suit and look for a home under the sea .
I just gotta say I feel like Im in an alternate reality .How the fuck could we let this happen ? Im with Conner screw Trump and his racist , bigoted and brain dead supporters . We are just going to normalize this shit . He has the fucking nuke codes . This is a sad day for our country
Yeah, not to long ago she was calling The Obama's fist bump a" terrorist fist jab " . Times sure do change .