
Wow, you are such a racist. Hes stupid to you, and it must be because hes black.

Reagan myth? Like the fact he was our LAST bi-partisan President. (w/ Honorable Mention for Clinton for working with GOP)

Hey Retard when Ronald Reagan was 30, it was the 1940's.

I bet not one of you Leftists even knows what the "misery index" is, and how it was at 22% when Carter left office.

"Common Good"? LMFAO, you cant be series, they do NO SUCH thing

hyperbole much? Your talking points are a rotting carcaus

who cares? you all are a bunch of whiney, facist P C losers, do yu hate your lives this much that you have to bitch about who hosts SNL?

Dude, comedies are ALWAYS better the 2nd time, its because you get to caught up in the story, jokes slide right past you.

Grandmas Boy is the best movie to come out of Happy Madison Productions…and Empire Records, tho 90's cheesy now, it was awesome as a young HS-er in the mid-90's.

Oh yeah, the all Conservatives are racist bit, hypocrisy much?

you didnt get the joke, obviously…watch American Hustle