
I played some DayZ back around when the mod first blew up originally, but never robbed anyone or got robbed. But every time I see one of these kinds of videos I always wonder why in the world you'd even go along with someone trying to "rob" you in-game like this. LOL!

Guy is still an asshole. Just nicer than the other assholes who populate DayZ.

Did you even play through the game? She's not 16. She's 24.

Pedobear just cancelled his preorder.

That's a very narrow mindset, not unlike that one microsoft employee...

Your Xbox Live was free too?

Do you really need to put a pic of Sleeping Dogs cover art, to tell us all your playing it? I'm pretty sure everyone knows what your talking about...Oh wait I know why you just want to artificially make your post seem important. : /

Yea, but there will be no more being made. And I don't understand the point here. Most people bash the digital downloads because they say once they're gone you can't download them anymore, that simply isn't the case. Everyone who has a digital copy of the game still has access to it. Obviously people who didn't buy

Are there people who sometimes use the pretense of being offended in order to silence discussion? Sure.

Does that mean every instance of someone calling something offensive is a cynical ploy, and the person making the offensive statement is some virtuous crusader for free speech?

No. That's stupid.

The problem with Fry's

So how about if the reply way "I feel hurt by that", "that makes be feel very sad", is the response still "so fucking what?".

Funny thing is, the smart ones will at least hear out those who feel offended, so long as the 'offend-ees' are able to thoroughly explain themselves without being rude or belittling. Only a cocky fool would just dismiss them on the assumption that, "I'm right and they're a bunch of nosy pussies."

Agreed. That quote is getting close to becoming overused as a shield to deflect responsibility and bigotry. The problem is that people who tell others that they should not get offended don't realize that it is an arrogant statement because they are basically anointing themselves as the universe's moral center and no

A) That's ironic, considering that Stephen Fry later got very outspoken about how "offended" he was by Russia's LGBT policy.

The problem is, it's a pretty content-free, fatuous quote often used to excuse any kind of bigotry the poster feels like.

It builds character.

$0.99 to upgrade Pawns to Queens.

What if I want to play video games with my family and christ? WHAT THEN??

Yeah, I'm not about to 'wait', because I simply ain't interested.

Electric bill too steep? Welcome to the Glorious PC Master Race, where we shit on consoles for exerting too much power while making you save money on electric bills. Enjoy console peasants! :D

The only thing i can think of i that the "thunk" of the car hitting sounded like the opening drums of the song... but even that is a stretch