That is called white box testing.
Mighty No. 9/11
I quite disagree with this. They made a re-release of P3 with extra content because during the PS2 era there was no such thing as DLC. Today it would've been released as DLC. Secondly, How is porting a game milking? If porting a game to multiple platforms is 'milking' then every studio that has ever released a…
You're right KH was simple and clean. Its also they way you're making me feel tonight, its haaaard to le-et go.
Number 4 is "Don't engage in gambling and sexual activities." lol
I don't know where people get the idea that free speech entitles you to be a douche and not get reprimanded for it. BF4 has a policy that rejects these images. Every player agrees to this policy when they sign up for online, so NO you do not have the freedom to do things that go against policies you already signed up…
Always interesting to watch someone resort to cheap jabs at the opposing person when they realize their argument is failing...