Dezerus Richardson

Maybe I'm missing something, but I have no idea what this has to do with stoners, or marijuana for that matter... Explain?

Actually, the noodles are enriched with several necessary vitamins and minerals. So... It has the nutritional value of a loaf of white bread.


Ah... The number one rule of being a zombie, do not eat your own brains. Everyone else's are fine, just not yours.

Out of curiosity, what do you want to bet we'll see this on Glenn Beck tonight?

Already done, actually. Microwave missiles that can knock out all electronics in the blast radius. There was a post on here about it a few days ago.

It's China, mate. The government can do whatever the heck it pleases.

Simple fix. Crack it open and replace the button with a toggle switch.

What, I'll start writing in shorthand?

It's Portland. I knew there had to be something in the water to cause all those Hipsters to flock there.

So this is a holding tank of sorts? Makes sense.

Which is why typical printed-lens scopes are amazing.

Which is why I will never use a teleportation device.

Stppd wrtng wth vwls lng tm g. t's fn.

Ugh... You'd think the big internet-based companies would do something about this. They don't get paid if nobody can access their services.

Luckily, Oak Ridge is fitted with several breeder reactors, which produce energy from spent fissionable material.

You're going to upset a lot of people with that title, mate. Just a heads up.

I'm wondering what this means for legal streaming services, like Netflix or Hulu.


Actually, the side sort of feels more like a rubbery matte grip now. Still somewhat gritty, but noticeably less so.