Dez'd and Confused

I feel bad because the dude the GS plants has no idea that he is about to get a hook to the face, he even has his long tube drink in his hand, then WAP!

This is a good catch. Also, GS is throwing some damn hard hooks during that scrum at the end—as opposed to whatever the fuck OS is doing.*

WT did well for a guy who knew there was no way he was going to get in trouble for tossing a beverage from the crowd. Sorry guy, you have just entered this thing. It’s happening.

But did you see green shirt’s double knockdown at 0:12?

This fight gives me hope for America. I clicked ‘play’ expecting the ND fans to be outnumbered and get thrown to the ground, at which point various dudes with no respect for decorum would come attempt to stomp the prone fans’ skulls to the point of a traumatic brain injury. Alas, only punches were thrown, most guys

Ha! Green shirt kid must weigh what? 140? He went flyin’!

Credit to his chin, tho.

Grey and Blue knows how to throw a punch. Orange guy does some weird downward chop like he’s a silver screen damsel-in-distress fighting off the evil Count Rupert. Green Shirt throws haymakers and White shirt only knows how to wrestle and not very well. I think you’ve gotta score Notre Dame for the win on this one,

If you just iso on Tank Top for the entire video, he actually doesn’t do poorly. He fights within himself, knows he’s no striker, and continually looks for the takedown on Gray/Blue. If not for the slippery floor, I’d like his odds for a win via ground-and-pound. Gray/Blue can fuckin’ throw a punch, though.

I love the guy in the tank top taking the Jeff Van Gundy approach here. Didn’t help his boy avoid the straight right though. Fun fight. 6/10

I was rooting so hard for simultaneous knockout.

To be fair, they don’t call them the Notre Dame Non-Hostile Irish

Candy-ass ‘Cane got STRIPED.

I gotta say, this was a nice little fight. The only guy that jumps in who wasn’t initially involved (green shirt holding cup) gets popped and put in his place. The only guy throwing a running cheap shot (orange shirt, long hair) gets sent to Jesus, and it would appear everyone else received an equal amount of blows

Stereotypes are a real time saver.

Hard Rock stadium indeed

I love this fight so much. Green Shirt and Orange Shirt are absolutely classic. Grey&Blue came to THROW DOWN. I bet G&B calls GS a pussy 450x over the course of the next three years.

The whole thing ended after 30 or so very wild seconds.

Can’t Hit vs. Convicts