
@AnalogDan: I couldn't agree more. Kia is pumping out great product right now. The irony is that he says he wants a Sedona because it's "cheap, disposable, and effective". Well so are the 2011 Sportage, Forte, etc., only difference is they look great in addition to being cheap and cheerful.

@Doc_V: Agreed. The 2011 Sportage, 2011 Optima, Soul, and Forte are all fantastic looking, as well as meeting the OP's criteria of "cheap, disposable, and effective". This guy wants to be a Jalop, but is hating on an entire brand based on what, the outlook of a high schooler from 2003?

You want to come on Jalopnik and write about how much you hate Kia, a brand that offers nothing but cheap and cheerful cars (aka cars that are "cheap, disposable, and effective)?

@Ofdensen: Good man. Sensible man.

WHAT THE HECK, Hardigree? Ronal Bears make you look like a "moron", seriously? Is that what you think they say? To any sane person, they look cute and indicate the owner has a good sense of humor.

@n6uyen: Are you friggin serious? What kind of douche-canoe comment is that?

The commentary from the camera man is just priceless!

I thoroughly enjoyed this post!

Is that aerodynamic? It's just so chunky and squared-off in weird places... looks great, but is it really slipperier than some flowing lines?

I want to buy this car from him, fix the roof, paint it, raise it to a reasonable height. Then it can breathe a sigh of relief.

What? Only 147 miles on a 20 year old car? According to Jalopnik's logic, this car is dead!! Not driving cars is evil!! A true Jalop would prefer a 300,000 mile 190E any day of the week! Not driving a car is like killing it! This car is DEAD! DEAAAD!!

@Roberto G.: Thank you... Ferrari is the BIGGEST sell out brand EVER.

@goatrope: Yes, I remember it, and it was a badass machine.

The Kia Rio is a badass machine.

@JRCedeno: You watched the Colbert Report last night. We are not amused.

@P161911 probably shoudn't have: This truck just makes every part of you feel like a cowboy, even your gas tanks! Ridin' side saddle! Yee-ha! I mean, Ka-boom!