
Yep. Truly terrible news. R.I.P., Chris :(

The Lizard would've been perfect. He was already set up to have a personal relationship with Peter like his love for Doc Ock. The emotional beats were baked right in!

It's one of the signs to look for in a person who was very depressed and may be suicidal. Suddenly, they're totally happy and possibly giving away their possessions.

I'm glad you're here, Shulkie.

As a fan of Chris Cornell, I definitely want to know what happened. He was only 52 and still performing regularly. It's sad and it's also scary when someone who appears to be fine suddenly passes away. Knowing the cause of death helps some of us process it.

Same here. Very sad news all around :(

Bring out The Boot!

Guardians 2 is so much fun, I'd even see it sitting next to Creeper. Right next to him.

People have a natural tendency to herd together, in my completely unscientific, anecdotal opinion. Especially when it comes to women and women's restrooms. I picked the one as far away from the other stalls as possible, yet you sit down to pee right next to me? What is wrong with you, lady!?

It is! Twice a day every weekday in my market.

Young QT or current QT?

Venom deserved to be the sole villain.

Also: Bruce Campbell, which makes everything better by 100%,

I really just want the Speed Force to throw up its hands and reset everything back to season one, except we get the real Wells for a change and no goddamn speedster villains. Also means we would get back a happier, more intelligent Barry. Please re-brain Barry, Speed Force. Please!

They have to un-kill Snart so we can get Citizen Cold in a future season.

The floating fin made me giddy. I also watch way too much Shark Week for my FB's feed own good.

"Wow." - Graydon, by way of MoonTopples

I used to think that, but HR grew on me. He's a good counterpoint with his optimism and goofiness.

NO! No more damn time travelers! :D

No-memory Barry from last ep was so joyful and free. I want *that* Barry, not the emo one. Add a few brains back in and he'd be perfect!