
Good luck with it. I hope it's as inconsequential a pinch as the doctor is making it out to be!


I was a little disappointed it wasn't last night. Or at least have Clark text Kara about how to get rid of the monstrous imp!

Did Superman shed a single tear because he has to work hard to get rid of Mxy? :D

Bork bork bork!

Yeah. Still a bummer, though.

Tee hee!

*Shia LaBeouf pulls off mask to reveal Shia LaBeouf*

Live by the lulz, die by the lulz.

Good luck! Please get a 2br, 2ba place near the convention center so I have a free place to stay for Comic-Con.

More good than bad. I spent Friday night and most of Saturday at my dad's because my sister was visiting from out of town; she & I went to check out a place my step-mom found that would provide good memory care when he reaches that point. Saturday night, I went with a friend to see Phil & Dave Alvin do an acoustic

*clinks dino bones together*

It's too bad Leah Remini wasn't on Overtime. I would have loved hearing her tell Milo Whateveropolis to fuck off, too.

I think only Manimal does that last thing.

It was very satisfying (especially because he told him to fuck off more than once, and then Nance got in on it).

They were both fun to watch. Also enjoyed it when Nance told MY to fuck off because he's not even American, but supports Trump.

Not generally, but after this week, I'm up for brainless fun.

They are stupid and hence don't know what "shame" means.

Either I have the world's smallest bladder, or I have a little machine inside me that converts everything to pee every hour on the hour.
