
Thanks for the smile (both you and Simon DelMonte) that memory just brought.

Well, we had 9 good days then, right?

I think you can care about someone you didn't know based on what their work meant to you. I didn't know her, but her work in Star Wars had a positive effect on my barely teenaged self and continued to do so throughout the years. She was a very funny, talented woman, and I will miss her presence in this world.

I'm in the vaporization zone at work. Hooray!

♫So long, farewell, I'm going to be eating youuuu!♫ *chomps*

He was an airport, wasn't he?


That's the first sign of the Apocalypse!

I don't even know what I want to say. I'm too saddened by this. R.I.P., Carrie.

I asked for that at Macy's, but the stupid clerk gave me Elizabeth Arden.

2016: In like a lamb, out like a bastard. But if 2016 takes Trump (and Pence and Ryan for good measure)? ALL IS FORGIVEN.

After reading more about him, I've revised my opinion. I'm not sure what to think, but I'm leaning more toward "prank" than "real" (or maybe prank gone wrong).

"wtf is an actuary lolz"

12 Days of Kevin Bacon continues.

*Bruce Campbell sues for the sullying of his good name*

Up With People.

Get to the "workin' overtime" part!

My favorite mondegreen is courtesy of my sister, who truly believed The Eagles had a song about a poor guy named Victor McGlove.

Trump would create a position for him: Secretary of Race Relations.

She's turning into the Cryptkeeper, only without the humor. Or intelligence.