
She's a demon. She can have whatever hair color she wants.

Prince Albert?

Pence is definitely running for 2020. He is a scary fucker.

Uneventful. Spent time with my dad, did a lot of cleaning and errands, did some writing, and spent quality time with the kitties. Mostly, though, been catching up on lost sleep from last weekend (wherein I also visited dad) because I went to Barnes & Noble to meet Bruce Springsteen. Wound up camping out the night

You are all doing the Lord's work.

Goddamn, that was disgusting. Not sure how they can top that. Not sure if I want them to, either. Ewww.

Does "Regular Coverage" mean Ash Vs. Evil Dead recaps are back here?

Wait, Weather Wizard is real? WHERE THE HELL IS THE FLASH, THEN?

I don't know if any of them believe him. The ones I know who are voting for him hand-wave the stuff they don't like as "Oh, he's just saying that to attract the [insert whatever crap point he spews here] vote, but he doesn't mean it." Like my Latino friends who are voting for him—they think he's just saying bad

"Political Apprentice," coming soon to NBC. NBC: We peacock TV.

No, gladiator, I am not entertained.

If I could give you a heart upvote, I would. Now boost my bottom! BOOST IT!

"You're leaving out the part of the quote where said some Mexicans could be good people! Gawd, you guys!" - Whiny Mike Pence

Yes! :)

I'm not opposed to having other speedsters, but I'd rather Barry's "big bad" be a different type of foe. Anyway, isn't The Rival Jay's, um, rival? Let those two knock each other about on Earth 2. Give me Mirror Master already, Berlanti!

Padding a series? That's a paddlin'.

Honey, you got real ugly.

We need The Space Pope to mediate.

I tried to go there during lunch and it was flagged as pornography by our server. Yay!

You are objectively wrong.