
I had to give up my M8 when the cord stopped staying put and and the battery simultaneously decided it wasn't going to hold much of a charge anyway. I like my new M10 fine so far, too. Only problem is that they made the keyboard smaller, so I have a harder time typing things up. Bonus is that it's keeping me off FB

To be honest, I don't know. I haven't consulted the MLA directly since I got out of academia years ago, but using an apostrophe to indicate a plural acronym has been an allowable choice for years now.

I believe pantload is also acceptable.

You can for acronyms, but you don't have to. [whispers] It's your choice.

I want my Dragonriders of Pern adaptation and I want it NOW!

I don't and had to squelch my laugh. Wound up sounding like Muttley.

How much misery did we miss out on? We'll never know, damn them!

As long as he delays writing, you live. I should think you'd be invested in that aspect!

Previously.TV or whatever TWoP morphed into?

Eph needs his bad wig back.

I was in Germany many moons ago and could not stop laughing at how ridiculous the German dubbing of "I Love Lucy" sounded. The friend I was staying with said she didn't know why her country dubbed American shows when most of the populace speaks English.

You just reminded me of my fascination with Eric Heiden's thighs when I was a kid.

Bring out the Gimpzilla!

Can we talk about Pizookies? Those are delicious!

I'm not eating that pizza.

Jon, what is your favorite gear? First? Reverse? Or are we talking "gear" as in what you like to wear? If the latter, what kind of pants do you prefer? Asking for a friend.

They need to be in meme form for anyone to take them seriously.

Oh, come on, the Other Mother is truly evil. Coulter only plays at evil, but cowers when the tables are turned on her.

It comes up on his Twitter and FB feeds quite a bit. He's not shy about his beliefs there.

And therefore, he's a witch?