
Same here. A friend got a degree there and became a copier repairperson with Xerox. Moved up in the company and retired in his 40's. He's now on a second career teaching history after going back to a regular college to finish his degree. I guess he's an anomaly.

Thank God you cleared that up.

Kids back then wouldn't listen to blissed-out hippie dwarves when it came to the imparting of lessons. We needed dour, slightly frightening oranges telling us what to do.

He was nothing if not dedicated to his craft, you know.

Some elephants are jerks.

The article just told you dogs are smart! Pay attention! Good boy! *gives you a snack*


I have tested this theory by saying, "Who's a dumb dog?" in a chipper voice whilst smiling and my friend's dumb dog wagged her tail and sat down so I could pet her. Because she was dumb.

Mine bites the hose of my CPAP and then sits on the on/off button so I suffocate.

Well, I guess if you wanted fewer cats…

Nothing will ever beat the original Wacky Packages.


*sniffle* Goodbye, fellow Springsteen fan! Hope you'll still pop in on the occasion there's a Springsteen-related article. *sniffle* I'll miss you and your hilarious, yet sexy, avatar! *waah!*

He can. You're stuck here for life. Moo ha ha!


Straight to the nads!

I can just see Gary trying to deal with Chris.

Edlund & Co. said at Comic-Con that user feedback was essential. They exhorted us all not just to take the survey, but to leave comments as well because Amazon really values them.

"Why do little blue midgets hit me with fish?"

"Chef of chicanery, your buns are mine!"