
Wonder if it works if you split them

14 year old driver apparently was distracted by the moose knuckle....

I hear of a lot of people who live in deed restricted communities. Some are not eve allowed to change oil. Another big issue are county / township ordinances. I was pinged by the county when my Jeep had the rear differential removed for 3 weeks.

Not sure I would want to follow that too close. Its obvious that the driver knew there was a problem and got off the highway asap, also had flashers on.. I'm sure the car had about 1/4 mile before it ran out of gas at that point anyway.

In fact , everyone should be encouraged to litter for that 1 mile stretch...

Set of cheap ass hub caps to hide the wheels that are worth more than the POS Honda they are bolted onto.

Guessing he will be out in 6 mo.

end of discussion.

Hitting a deer is more than an minor issue. I hit one last year, and got banged up pretty good. Thank God for leather jacket , boots, gloves and helmets.

...and can lead to violent behavior.

I win. ,[edit] oh crap , someone beat me to it.. still worth a repost...

$4k for an 81 Scrambler...

$4k for an 81 Scrambler...

The radiator looks like an afterthought.

20w-50 in my Chevy in -10 deg weather.. Sized engine. Thank God it broke free later after it warmed up a bit.

By no means am I condoning anything , only that on a psychological view.

Its been reported that he has only a few months to live. So as stupid as this is, you can understand his self destructive path

Panasonic DURAMAX, Ran it over with my Jeep, not even a scratch..

DPRK Wondrous leader will build Lego tower to shame South Korean Puppets. I will command my Superior toddlers of the North to build a tower of 41 meters and it will have a cake on top for all to behold.

DPRK will not be out done, Great Leader will build own Dragon Towers 89 and 99 stories and will have fire breathable skin! And cake dispensers on every floor!