I hear of a lot of people who live in deed restricted communities. Some are not eve allowed to change oil. Another big issue are county / township ordinances. I was pinged by the county when my Jeep had the rear differential removed for 3 weeks.
Not sure I would want to follow that too close. Its obvious that the driver knew there was a problem and got off the highway asap, also had flashers on.. I'm sure the car had about 1/4 mile before it ran out of gas at that point anyway.
In fact , everyone should be encouraged to litter for that 1 mile stretch...
Guessing he will be out in 6 mo.
$4k for an 81 Scrambler...
$4k for an 81 Scrambler...
The radiator looks like an afterthought.
20w-50 in my Chevy in -10 deg weather.. Sized engine. Thank God it broke free later after it warmed up a bit.
By no means am I condoning anything , only that on a psychological view.
Its been reported that he has only a few months to live. So as stupid as this is, you can understand his self destructive path