
What? All that and he didn't get laid...

First Gear...

Coolant in oil makes a chocolate milkshake looking gloop that can bee seen in the oil fill and dipstick. To find oil in coolant, check the radiator and overflow bottle for the same milk sludge,

Thats all I got to say about that

"and uses $25 worth of electricity every time it's raised and lowered."

I Declare Shenanigans!!! $25 per lift... no way...!!!

Duh, she's not a 2-stroke

"they are looking for a stolen Porsche, I told them we've already got one"! hehehe

Woody Allen 'The Sleeper' futuristic car

Hey Beavis, that bus sucks ... ahh hehe

Another big advantage is that you only need to change your oil every 30k miles. Since no fuel / solvents mix with the oil, it stays clean like a trans. I have looked into doing this conversion on my old Jeep CJ-8. Basic issue is you will loose about 10% fuel economy, and fuel is actually on par with Gasoline

Nikon GPS unit for photographic / GPS evidence of each egg. Helps find that last one.

I don't get it. How come in every article's comments there's always one or two people who are intolerant to a good joke reference. I guess these are the people who's father sent their puppy to live "At a farm" when it crapped on the carpet. These are the ones what to go to "Originality Snob Camp" (AKA fat camp) so

Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope!

A Sickle? Well you were lucky, We had to wake up 4 hours before we went to bed, walk uphill both ways in the snow in 120 degree heat just to herd the sheep.

I, for one, welcome our new nigiri overlords!

When i was a kid , this is what we had...

Think the minifig is in Water and he is pouring fabric softener in...

Now playing

I want to hear it hooning through a tunnel !

Think my tongue would stick to that?