Dexter Sagar

I usually am apologetic about crushing on actors and such. But bloody hell, Brian Tyree Henry could just raise his eyebrows or flash a cheeky grin for a second and I'd be done, dusted, and y'all be invited to my funeral (I jest, but this is the AV Club, people will take it seriously for the lols). He is ridiculously

So that's how Silar from Heroes dies…. crossover to Hannibal.

But what about Drag Race?!?!?!?!

I got very worried with the Red Band trailer that they released recently. And a notable friend of mine had criticized the constant micro-aggressions found in the characters that he couldn't last longer than 20-odd minutes. So I'm left a bit uncertain on a movie that probably had one of the best uses of a trailer I had

They started advertising for Extras castings recently…. so yeah…. that'll probably start shooting in a few weeks. Thank you, Cape Town film industry….

As a South African…. This is amazing for Trevor Noah… even if his talk show back then was crappy. He's become a fantastic stand up.

That girlfriend in Canada joke is from Avenue Q!!! D:

THIS PLEASES ME. I WANTED TO CRY. But then I remembered that you only cry when it's really necessary.

That's what Vimeo is for… But its hipsters and professionals who use Vimeo… not xxxXgenericMiDdLeScHoOlslutasticchickXxxx

Therefore, I still think it's a missed opportunity Glee had with Karofsky. From the Superbowl episode, they basically teased us (or you could just say me, I don't know.) about giving more of the alternative side of the bully. What affect did his home life have to do with his supression of his sexuality, him dealing

To an extent. Yes. But I live in a society where basically, equal rights to the point of allowing Gay Marriage has existed since 2006. While there are still tensions from different groups in society, equality is the sought after solution. Whether it happens or not is another story all together.

If Tina is actually in this episode, I'll be happy. Because she hasn't been there in AGES. :/

I guess that's what happens when you blow up on Youtube…

I don't get the hate for Karmin?

He only liked Green Lantern when  Ryan Reynolds was in only his white briefs… Or was that just me… Otherwise a shit movie. Though otherwise, I'm fine with this list. Tarantino is weird after all, like the rest of us… Or I'd like to think…

I'd give it another shot. Just for their parody of the Hollywood sign.

Everyone kept on telling me the first time would hurt…

Retro comeback… and vampires?