Dexter's Fang

I’m Canadian, and I admit that my US geography knowledge is truly terrible. But even *I* knew this. I’m quite sure most 5th graders in the US know this. How does the occupant of the White House not know this?

Free Takiyah Thompson! Call Durham, NC, District Attorney to demand charges be dropped against Takiyah and all anti-racists protesters: 919-808-3010. Donate to bail fund:

If there was any show that Netflix should have canceled it should have been The OA.

Dr. Oz gives him a run for his money, though. Not to mention Eckart Tolle or the lady who wrote The Secret, who had less staying power but were somehow even dumber. There are a lot of things to admire about Oprah, but her love of facile pseudo science is not one of them

There’s an ongoing joke on season three of FXX’s You’re the Worst in which Jimmy (Chris Greere) is disgusted to