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    Our country ridding itself of 45 in a shaming manner would be the ultimate, so yeah, there is a “pee-pee tape we’ve all hoped for”....

    Donnie, you lost the popular vote. You lost it big. Thus a majority of your people DON’T want the wall, nor most of your extremist ideas you entertain due to your misanthropic advisors. You were less voted for than Clinton by a whole percentage number > 2%. Get over it. Stop bragging about your electoral college

    We’re all freakin dipshits, even those of us that voted against him, for not knowing that almost half the country are freakin dipshits. I counted on women to provide sanity no matter what their men did, but they let me down. Oh, and I counted on decency to play a role, but deplorability did instead.

    Yup, nailed it. I remember thinking Dubya wasn’t my president and loathed the Supreme Court party line ruling, and hated his first 100 days, but deep down I still believed that he believed he represented me along with everyone else. This guy has left no illusions that he represents MAYBE his fan base, but most likely