
You only had one guest and you don’t want to credit them as more than “the guest?” Brutal... or mysterious...

So they made Ogre Battle combat on a grid? Cool.

Slow news days, huh? 

I’m assuming there is some degree of fraud that goes into leading players into believing that microtransactions will benefit them and their gameplay experience, only to exclude players from the content that the transactions were supposed to make better.

Personally, if there’s any regulation in gaming, it should be

I try not to be a jealous person but man... a 10th of what this person spent on a single free to play game would be life changing for me.

Zero dollars. That’s where I’m at these days. 

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) is a strange blend of nationalistic socialism and Islamic authoritarian policy. It’s not the most simple answer, other than to say that Indonesia is becoming increasingly authoritarian under President Jokowi.

Chess is internationally recognized as a “sport” (is even listed in the Olympics as a sport). If you can recognize a game where two people sit in opposing chairs staring at a wooden board as a sport, then you can do the same for video games.

Although, in SR1, the main character had barely any lines in the game and almost no personality, no matter which options were chosen. So only a small step up from the GTA games mentioned. That said, Volition really stepped things up in SR2, and the main character had tons of personality from that point on.

If it’s a well written character there should be no problem.

I feel like there was an emphasis put on the co-op aspect of Elden Ring around launch that wasn’t reflective in game. I don’t have any real evidence for this but I know a lot of people from work and similar who have never touched a Souls type game that picked up Elden Ring planning to play through it with a friend

if pvp was the only broken part, pve is just in the same boat. Any person who tried the seamless mod can see why and how some limitation were put in place, jsut to create the pvp aspect, without rethinking it for open world. From invisible walls, to weird locked mechanics like the impossibility to use the horse (gosh

As a leftist progressive, the logic behind the arguments in this article makes no sense to me and some of America’s views on how culture work are utterly broken regardless of political leaning. American conservatives live in a fantasy world of authoritarian theocracy but unfortunately American leftists have grown up

Every time a writer here types the word “orientalism” in article they should consider that fact 

I’ll start this by saying that anyone is free to feel insulted by whatever they feel insulted by. But I - an Asian-American living in a third world country - really think this criticism is stretching a bit.

Yet this site name is Kotaku. If there is a sense of irony about “appropriation” being ignored here... *shrugged*

Ah.. the uprising begins. “It’s still my turn, Christopher...”

Had he the interest to do so, which he actually did NOT -- not out of malice for them, but for the reality of what Owen wanted to do in his own life outside the ring.

Baby Bruce will be texting uncle daddy Vince every 5 seconds

Do you even have to ask? it’s as legit as Rick Flairs retirement match(es).