
Something can have work put in and still be a cash grab because of the price involved.

In the factory area with the battery, I get massive random frame drops on a 3080/10850k at 4k max. Unplayable in that specific area.

In most places in the world? The government. That’s literally what your taxes cover for a majority of the rest of the world. I didn’t have any sort of coverage at all when I had surgery for a cyst on my tailbone. It had gotten so bad that I couldn’t walk straight and my right foot was an almost night degree angle to

Take pity on us. Many of us are trying to make it better but we’re surrounded by absolute scum who don’t want it so.

If they live in Japan, they have universal healthcare. Questions like “do you pay for your healthcare or does your employer” only really make sense in the US.

slut shaming is something done to actual women, not oversexualized female characters made by and for men. criticizing quiet’s design is criticizing the men who made her, not quiet herself

Imagine being married to Comcast... hurk

You get to move across THREE dimensions and there are missions. 

I’m fine with “women and birthing people” or “women and menstruators” or any other term people want, but I’m not ready to give up on woman/women because women are still struggling to achieve equal rights and the word’s existence doesn’t preclude that of people with other gender identities, but they can be listed in

The New York Times Op Ed actually made some really fantastic points and everyone should give it a read. It’s not merely about using inclusive language, its about basically eliminating an entire gender, one that has already struggled for equal rights throughout history. Both sides can be wrong. 

Hi there! If you would read the article again, you will see that Brian started doing this in 2016. The video you are referencing was posted Jul 13, 2021.

I mean, you’re being sarcastic, but you’re also not wrong.

I wanted the art in Return to Monkey Island to be provocative, shocking, and not what everyone was expecting.”

I think some publishers have decided not to give Kotaku games prior to release. In those cases, it’ll be tough to get enough hours in to get a reasonable review in.

This is such an odd article, simple answer, yes, play on the easiest difficulty and you need no real skill or memorization of moves to beat the game, you can mash until the end credits. But also, no problem coming off like a dick here, it’s an exceptionally simple moveset, and each character has the exact same button

So, I’m sure this is probably not a universally true or fair perspective/observation, but one particular thing I’ve noticed amongst folks who happen to be very upset when someone isn’t good at games is... it comes in different varieties.


It’s almost as if they put in the bare minimum effort!

because it was made for your Pixel and poorly ported to your pc