
I am fucking AMAZED by the guys that do this. I can't even wrap my head around it, it's like we're a fundamentally different species. My dick and I get along great and we have pretty high opinions of one another (well, I assume the well regard is reciprocated) but it has never once in my entire life occurred to me to

Well, now that you mention it, I've probably done that too. ;)

Cry it out at 4 months is cruel, cry it out at 18 months is common sense.

I don't get the drug free birth thing. To me it seems like getting a root canal without novocaine, just to...prove we have a high pain threshold? I'm not judging, I swear to god I'm not, do whatever you want. I just don't GET it.

Um, did you just imply hippos are not graceful?

I don't think our In-N-Outs are very good here. I remember them being much better in SoCal, so there may be something about ours.

I only ever get a burger in a few places. I am not really much of a burger person. I have gotten the Cheeseburger at DeVere's and it was outstanding. I also like the Tilamook cheeseburger at

Wahoo! Sacramento area has all of the top 5, plus Nation's, which apparently wasn't rated but I would put it around the level of Fuddruckers.

I love a good burger but getting tired of these surveys trying to make something new out of something simple. A good burger doesn't need to be associated with a new name every year. My local greasy spoon sells a plenty good burger that satisfies me every time. I have tried Five Guys and liked them but to me its

You make an important but I think often overlooked point; the CURRENT physical status of the body can really dictate one's entire approach to food and exercise. And it can become self-defeating or counterproductive to health in general. Which is just completely fucked. Some body types are more socially sanctioned to

One last thought, on why I think I was so conflicted at the end of this experiment:

For my best friends wedding, she and I made appointments at the Origin's counter at Macy's(they knew it was for a wedding and what we were looking for and were ok with it) and bought some lipstick and other stuff they put on us. Win-win for all.

I hereby swear, if/when I should ever get engaged and married:

$1,575.50 in 2014 = 200 in 1962.

I was married in 1962, so yes, the numbers need crunching, but I spent $50 on my dress, $50 on flowers, and $50 on the cake. We served only cake and punch (in the church basement) and the punch was free since the grocer where I bought the ingredients was a next door neighbor when I was a child. I did my own hair and

So, don't spend money you don't have? Why do people feel they have to spend ridiculous amounts of money for a wedding.

i'm 36 and have been in 9 weddings and have attended many more. from engagement parties to bridal showers to bachelorette parties to the wedding gifts, dresses, shoes etc, i have spent THOUSANDS. THOUSANDS. then baby showers, housewarming etc.

The bride doesn't pay for anything? That's news to this bride, who footed an equal share of the wedding bill with her groom and parents. And paid for several of her underemployed friends to attend her bachelorette dinner, etc.

"I guess nobody explained to Mufasa that when a hyena eats a baby lion, the hyena turns into grass, and then the antelopes eat the grass! It's the circle of life, Mufasa! Mufasa is maybe not the greatest grass scientist."

Placenta! It's what's for Donner.

If I was a big enough asshole to try to get a free meal by sticking a rock in it, I wouldn't try to claim said rock ended up in a SOLID PIECE OF MEAT.