
call 911 don't shower or change till the rape kit is done. rape is a crime and should be treated as such. it is not easy to go through with the process, but it is better than thinking that the school is on your side and leave it to the administration. schools are not criminal justice systems. rape is a crime. the

No, I'm not proving your point, you don't have one. It is not constructive to say that it is a rape victim's job to prevent rape. If you're actually interested in constructive dialogue, allow me to demonstrate why. Here are some extremely common "rape prevention" tips/memes that women are inundated with from about

An athlete, eh? Then go after his knees with a tire iron or a baseball bat. We'll see how much his worshippers love him after he can no longer play whatever stupid sport he used to play.

As someone who did speak up against her assailant, these women are right. To clarify I wasn't sexually assaulted, which, I couldnt imagine how horrible that must be, but beat up in front of many other students by my then boyfriend: the valedictorian star bball player. Well my roommate told the dean and Bball star was

Some people are just really uncomfortable or don't know how to react in that situation. I would think the best thing to do is for you to write down and the vocalize how his reaction made you feel and give him some resources on sensitivity or why rape is such a harrowing experience..

Nah. My great-grandmother (at the time a 100-year-old Irish lady) used to loudly and vocally advocate for castration for rapists.

and stop letting the school handle the investigation, these are real crimes.

"I must have done something wrong."

Oh. Fucking. Jesus. Megan, whoever you are, wherever you are, I want to hug you.

Ladies? Start teaching your sons about consent - and then enthusiastic consent. This is some bullshit.

I don't like the phrases "average" and "normal", and how these are used in this sense, but the idea remains the same: she has incredible body, and she has been working hard for it. What Diehl didn't do to get her body for the competition is what separates her from the others: she didn't starve herself, she didn't

he was my middle school history teacher!! proud of him for this article.

God, that poor young woman. I just can't. But David Cook, the columnist, is my new favorite person.

Just moved away from the Bay area because of this exact reason....we both made good money, but not quite THAT good, and buying a house at a reasonable price was going to be next to impossible. I refuse to pay million+ for a modest 3/2 in a crappy neighborhood or something of the like.

A 400K house in Los Angeles is gonna be under the freeway, and on fire.

Yeah, and if a guy's bringing something like that up to explain his perspective and offer empathy, that's totally cool — rereading my comment, it sounds more dismissive of male survivors than I meant to be. My problem is entirely with the type of guy who will jump into any discussion about misogyny and derail it by

OK, since I'm already getting my inbox flooded elsewhere, why not double the fun? (Note: feel free to ignore this, I'm venting because I'm in a shitty mood.)

You know something? I understand how you feel, and I understand somewhat why you feel that way. I DO often feel really self-conscious when I walk by women who are alone on the walking path near my house at night. I have a big dog and a big beard and I'm over six feet tall. I've got a wedding ring on, but I doubt that

Dear #NotAllMen,

Seeing as no one was injured;

I'll tell you one thing to buy at Costco, the rotisserie chicken. At around $5, that shit is GOOD and much cheaper than local grocery stores. Yeah, we can buy/cook it ourselves, but for a quick, already cooked, chicken dinner, it's hard to beat.

I like the black car right on the edge of it, "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS HOLE-Y LET ME OVER!"