"Meteorite enthusiasts" may sound like a tame bunch, but they get pretty excited at the prospect of getting stoned.
"Meteorite enthusiasts" may sound like a tame bunch, but they get pretty excited at the prospect of getting stoned.
I know I nailed two of them, but I don't see how this was not one of those two:
HAHA, exactly. In my first draft I had written something along the lines of, "Um, sorry commenter, but what had you accomplished by the middle of your freshman year? Perfected the art of 40 drinking? Learned how to do laundry without your mom's help? Explained to several women that misandry is real?" but it didn't fit…
*By the way, what the fuck is "fat pockets"? *
"Healthy" doesn't have a single shape, and aesthetics and body-shaming have nothing to do with actual health.
Anybody who's not doing what I'm doing to maintain the lifestyle I'm maintaining is obviously doing it wrong. I'll be over here. Judging.
Next step: condescending Facebook shares and diatribes!
DISCLAIMER: You may not agree with what I have to say here. What you read may piss you off. I'm fine with that. In fact, I'm so fine with it that I've decided that I won't even challenge what you reply back with. Why? I'm done arguing about this with people. I've heard your views and the reasoning you use to support…
Okay, I'm not going to lie. From 18-25, I was this guy. Told everyone I was a nice guy, and I am, really lonely and looking for love... Also wore a geeky trenchcoat and geeky anime shirts. If I had a time machine, I'd probably go back in time and smack myself.
My point is not that I wanted someone "better" than a lawyer but even people with well-paying jobs and Ivy League degrees don't care about their work at all, and the bigger point is that he wasn't passionate about ANYTHING, period. He could have liked gardening, playing Chess, anything but just watching Conan. I'm now…
The skier's name? Brokinsky.
As the chick in this video, all I can say is that running in powder when there's no one else out at night is a shitload of fun. But stopping to pose for the local news station in the middle of the icy street hurts like a bitch. Glad it's as funny for everyone else as it was for us.
Yeah, one of my most-liked status updates was a picture of a giant roach I killed. Imagine my joy when, with a particularly dramatic swell of the music, the roach appeared between pictures of my best friend's wedding and a picture of the San Francisco skyline.
I live for the looks of horror I get from the Superman fans when I say I loved Lois and Clark. Muahahaha.
I imagine a nerdy girl will also get the "PROVE YOU'RE A FAN OF X" guys a lot, too.
My wife is into a bunch of stupid shit that I either don't care about or actively dislike. She can say the same about me. But that doesn't make us think less of each other. If it DID, then our relationship would be doomed. Shared interests are an important thing in a relationship, but that doesn't mean you have to…
she doesn't understand why grown people are into comics and cartoons.
I have a family history of anxiety on my mother's side. She has it, all her brothers have it, as well as some of their children. Most of them are on medication, and they're quite happy. I have no issue with going on medication, and I don't care what others think about it. I'm looking to improve my life, because I'm…
I want to address some of the gray comments without actually having to bring them out of the gray.
I was only diagnosed at age 9 because my mother insisted that my brother's psychiatrist assess me. She had been diagnosed when she was 40, and she saw my behavior mirroring her own in school. Turned out that I definitely have ADHD, just as my mother, brother, and awful grandmother do. I don't take medication now but…