
boring for you.

People who have insane drawing abilities like her impress the hell out of me.

Same for me up until about 32, 33. Then... all of a sudden it was like a switch flipped. Babies weren't nasty, smelly, poop factories, and the idea of getting married and having kids wasn't totally abhorrent. (The having kids part, I mean. Was looking for the right woman for a long time - kept finding all the

I am 34, i still think that babies are ugly and annoying.

Whenever a Facebook friend has a baby I usually block them as a preemptive strike. I seriously can't stand it. I don't mind kids who can walk and talk, but the little pointless lizards (my favorite term for newborn humans)? No.

Ditto here. No kids for me. They're ugly. I have an unfounded opinion that attributes this to the world's rising population. I have expressed it without evidence. Hello, internet.

i feel the same way as you on babies and cats. Babies disgust me, cats are adorable

actually i find babies disgusting. Nothing about them is cute

Just out of curiousity, what does it mean when you think babies are ugly and you get angry just looking at them?

We do not see Lincoln as a direct competitor for Cadillac. Period. At all.

I would delve a little into their past, not necessarily slavishly what had been done before but be inspired by great Lincolns of the past, I don't think they do enough of that. A '61 Continental, my God, it's like instructions.

Yes, when I put down on the accelerator in my CTS V-Sport.

I get your point but I can assure you that this is a safe bet. I know I will NOT be buying another Hyundai. Never gonna happen!

I like the way it looks and I like the interior space. The engine has decent power but on the highway at normal highway speeds the electronic steering is terrible. It needs constant correction and if it's a windy day at all, forget trying to drive anything over 60 without feeling like you could easily lose control.

This looks more like the generation that never was between the bland fifth generation and the swoopy sixth. Meaning this is not as exciting a design as the sixth, but it will age better.

I read somewhere a wealth man in South Korean sued his wife for bearing ugly kids. She had undergone plastic surgery. And the fact was not known to the man at the time.

Marry the girl on the right.

Yes, In South Korea they do remove chunks of jawbone. Here's a link to one article where they illegally kept them and put them on display as part of their waiting room deco.

Yes. They shave jawbones and cheekbones and nose cartilage and eyelid fat and lots. Thats why people talk about South Korean plastic surgery. they cray.