
I think “lived on” is a stretch, they had major problems getting the line up and running, and when they did, nobody bought them.

Not really the problem, the taco is a great truck, that motor is bullet-proof too. But it’s got a drinking problem.

It’s quite an achievement, but i bet you in the real world the Diesel beats the gas by a country mile. Especially when towing.  

Here’s the only way truly small pick-ups are coming back:

nope. they’re rad.

This hits pretty close to home.

G8 GXP all over again.


The torque characteristic?  

It’s call “work” it’s a concept loathed by many, buy sadly for most of us here on earth it’s a necessity.

I love the amount of hate elon gets now. It’s been fun watching him go from internet darling to internet pariah. I hope Tesla continues to make money so he can keep trolling because seeing you all get bent up about it him is more entertaining than netflix. 

Charging a lead acid battery releases hydrogen gas.

This just only partially true and the answer is part of the problem. Want to stack rebates and financing on a 15k subcompact? HELLL NO. But if you have good credit and you a buying a higher margin vehicle, say a loaded 4-door pickup and you’ll suddenly find them much more agreeable. And when the sales guy has you

Right! You’d be crazy to pay for a car cash, with car sales down anyone with great credit could can get 0% thrown into the deal.

like most colloquialisms. it goes to pieces once it’s definition is pressed at all.

Because this one will go well over 100,000 km before it needs a rebuild and i doubt your snowmobile could do the same. Also I imagine the torque peak on this motor is thousands of RPM lower. Oh and meets Euro1 emissions which i also doubt your two-smoke could do.  

Indeed, the flex is by far the coolest Ford Volvo S80.