
As the owner of a B5 passat. I take pride in the fact that mine (mostly) works.

Forget Tiagra flat fat shifterrs. keep the classic look and run some bar end shifters and thumbie adapters.

Also if the q-factor is bothering you. why not just fit a narrower BB?

Great news! under the skin they are basically the same. 

Ha this guy thinks they still paint the frames. 

Both the park video and the Shimano tech doc show the exact same thing....

Why? They’re only just the best thing ever.

Of all things? Tesla roadster, Opel speedster, Hennessy venom, Detroit electric’s SP.01 concept were all based on the same lotus elise platform. 

those first 4 are the same car! jokes aside don’t forget the WK2 Cherokee! That thing was a BMW X5 sales stealing money printer for Jeep for 10 years. 

Now playing

Mr. Yankovic has already taken this to it’s illogical conclusion:

Thats hardly surprising as Mercedes was about the automatic from the early days.

Trying to buy a decent used Honda seems like a practical proposition. I mean it’s a honda right? You couldn’t be more sensible shoes without buying a Toyota.

You didn’t have that bad a start. I’ve seen people reach for more with less. You maybe could have got an old Miyata or OG specialized crossroads, or a used Cyclocross bike for not a lot more money and ended up with something better for less hassle. 

Y u no buy 130mm hub? would have been much better for you no?

Move on the the next dumpster fire? But what about the millions they can grift during the bankruptcy/liquidation proceedings?

Pretty much no car company designs a new engine without outside help Cosworth, Ricardo, Porsche all do that sort of work. There’s a few others that are even less well known who names escape me at the moment. Even for the heavies like GM and Ford. 

VW V10 TDI had gear driven overhead cams.

People love these and pay CP money for them.

CP I really like these passats, but you could import a nicer one from Europe for this price. 

I really like the ridgeline! would I ever buy one? hell no.

Decent price on an honest car with an honest add by a likely enthusiast.