LBJ was as corrupt and dirty as they came and he managed to drag the country forward. Ditto FDR. Carter was clean and pure and had to wait until he was out of office to achieve great things.
LBJ was as corrupt and dirty as they came and he managed to drag the country forward. Ditto FDR. Carter was clean and pure and had to wait until he was out of office to achieve great things.
No. I’m not especially interested in 20 year old gossip. What I want to know is how her policies will have as deeply harmful an impact on women, gay people and minorities as Cruz or Trump. There is a difference between funding Planned Parenthood and defunding Planned Parenthood on an extremely obvious level.
Hillary is categorically “better” than any GOP candidate by a wide margin.
Rubio and Cruz are the wonder twins of horrible. Shape of Climate change denier! Form of anti choice dickhead!
Oh, and the Supreme Court. I really, really don’t want Cruz appointing the next however many Supreme Court justices. That’s probably more important than anything else, actually.
Nope. There’s a lot I don’t like about Hilary, but there’s absolutely no comparing awfulness.
I hate to say this but this gets no better than let’s throw our votes away on Ralph Nader and here we go with GWB all over again thinking it gets better after it’s worse. Hillary is far and away better than the constutit-bot and the oompa loompa with bad taste.......
Don’t fall into the trap. People who say that Clinton’s no better than Trump or Cruz are either so blinded by their hatred of Hillary Clinton that they can’t see straight, or know fuck-all about politics and policy to begin with. Either way, they’re not worth your time.
I know this is the prevailing sense of the year, and you can’t help but let the last part of it color your vision but... this was also the year we got legalized same-sex marriage nation wide, trans folks went from mascots to real people, one (!) black (!!) woman (!!!) climbed a flagpole and took on the whole…
I mean...I am with you on Clinton not being great, but not better? Than Trump? Or even Cruz or Carson? What exactly is the scale you’re using to measure?
How is Clinton not better?
Marion Cotillard scares the bejesus out of me. There is something menacing and just a little crazy going on behind those blue eyes. Beautiful and talented, yes, but I would always check under the bed and I’m not sure I’d turn my back on her either...
I saw it a couple days ago. there are parts I agree and don’t agree with in this review (I think the film is stunning to look at) - but one thing is for sure - it is anxiety inducing. so much anxiety my goodness. and I think in a way, that is what is most authentic about the piece when it comes to shakespeare. it was…
This is a very responsible review, thank you Madeleine. I think for me the film was difficult to watch because I was laid bare by Fassbender’s Macbeth and how the character portrayal aligns so discomfitingly with (alleged, yes, alleged I know) rumours of his real life. But it was beautiful, if bleak.
I’m 25% sad—Her voice on All Things Considered softens even the hardest news to hear.
Michele Norris is really, really smart. Not much in the media landscape gets my attention, but a few years ago I started noticing her interview skills were very well honed and she brooked no shit. I’m going to miss her, bigtime. I’d never heard of the Race Card Project, but I’ll be watching for it now.
Aww, good luck MEE-chelle Norris!
but seriously, the english lit major / shakespeare nerd in me is seriously internally screaming and counting days til this comes out
We have a vaccine against the virus that causes cervical cancer. It’s as safe as any other vaccine, and getting it…
I feel like one has to be in a very good place of mind to be able to handle Winterson, in general. I absolutely love her, but some of her work can just absolutely destroy me.