
yes. you have to play one match a day for the next 14 days. if you don’t play for more than four of those days you’ll miss out on something because there are 10 things to unlock. not everybody has time to play every single day.

predatory schemes are bad, even if other games are predatory

Wait, no, hold on, that’s not how stats work.

I don’t think it’s really about “killing” the XBox. It’s about getting Microsoft into more people’s wallets.

Think about it this way... Many people who buy a console are going to commit to one console since they have already spent $300-500 on it, and even more on accessories and games. Some data I found for the

It often takes me months to get around to watching something on Netflix. The drop a whole show at once model is bad for viewer retention though.

damn, I actually really liked it.

Man this is so far off base. I finished the first two levels in under an hour, and that was with the extra time fucking around getting the first two skulls. Also, the first two levels were cool as shit. 

I jumped right in on Legendary as I do on any Halo game. I absolutely LOVED the opening two levels, as did many other reviewers and game sites and blogs. 343 followed the classic Halo design for inter-corridor levels, so it was crazy nostalgic and very enjoyable to play. Corridor levels (whether inside as in Halo 1 or

So what gave you so much trouble that it took you two hours to get through the first two missions?

I can’t believe I spent time reading the first half of this whine fest. The first two levels are fine if not pretty fun at times, it takes less than an hour and then you’re in the open world. Chill out dude

Two hours, bro?

It’d have been better if Infinite’s first couple of corridor-imprisoned hours were any good. But they’re just defyingly dreadful.

To be fair the article notes there was controversy over the title in Japan.  

I mean I completely would expect something like this, but also this is so dumb. Not a show for kids that are too young to know what brothels are. This show has a lot of extreme violence and death children that are so young they can’t know what a brothel is should not be watching it anyway for that reason.

A small device is affixed under each player’s shirt that “pops,” making a hole in the shirt and oozing out a brownish liquid.

I uh.. mentioned all three of those as factors for its success. 

They aren't limiting demand, they can't meet demand. There's a big difference.

Why can’t it be both? Why assume everyone has the same needs and/or income to spend on gaming?

Got my booster on Monday! Took less than 20 mins. I had to nap a bunch yesterday but now feel fine. It’s almost like keeping up with vaccines is NOT A HARD THING AT ALL TO JUST FUCKING DO in order to protect others and reduce the transmission numbers as a whole.

The plasma pulse rifle actually two-taps people if you can hit them with every projectile from both trigger pulls, but the projectile speed and tracking are so bad that if your opponent is moving even slightly that will not happen, and if they aren’t moving, they have about five minutes to watch the projectile lazily