
It’s a catch-22. If it’s too much like the anime, why make it? If it’s not like the anime, people will be pissed.

People have given MS a lot of shit for their lack of exclusives over the years (partially rightly so), but this is a big reason why; the big multiplat titles might not be system-sellers in the conventional sense, but a lot of gamers buy new consoles with playing them in mind, which is why MS has invested so much in

Exactly. This is definitely a remix/reimagining of the anime and not a one for one remake. That was abundantly clear when press releases said that Ana (who is clearly Anastasia) is a nightclub owner and her right hand is Gren.

Gritty compared to the kid’s show Andy’s toy was based on. Tim Burton’s Batman compared to Adam West.

It’s not complicated, the movie isn’t what the toy is based on, it’s the gritty reboot of the thing the toy is based on.

You are making a lot of assumptions.  They may not be meticulously adapting these episodes. Further, Ed is not showing up until the end of the first season.  

You seem very convinced, for no real reason, that they are approaching this adaption as a one-to-one remake of the original show, completely with the exact chronological sequence it had.

The answer to that is simply why not?

Because there’s zero reason for Edward to be in the show this early.

At first, I didn’t see the want, or the need, for a live action adaptation.

Looks fine to me.

Damn Jet Black sounds almost exactly like Jet Black. Trailer needs more Ein though.

I’m already liking Slightly Goofier Faye, I’m glad they’re doing their own thing. So much of what made the anime what it was feels like it’d be nearly impossible to translate to live action anyway. There’s a kind of stillness and atmosphere that isn’t really possible with real people.

Oooook, but it literally has nothing to do with Untitled Goose Game. And everything to do with a subreddit joke when Hawkmoon was added into the game in Season of the Hunt. Someone joked they wanted a goose-themed ornament for it making the Honkmoon pun, then someone else created a cursed-looking mockup of it which

I dunno, even with good infrastructure I’m not sure it will ever work for certain games. Similar but different: I tried using remote play on my PS5 to play Destiny 2 on my PS4 last week and it wasn’t unplayable, but there was just enough lag that it was very difficult to land shots consistently. This is two consoles

cloud gaming is and always will be (because of physics) for people who are casual enough gamers to not notice/care about massive input lag, or for games where massive input lag doesn’t really matter, like turn-based stuff

Until the U.S. improves its Internet infrastructure, I can’t see cloud gaming being enough to not need a Series X for most people.

Fractional kills are certainly meaningful, but:

The same cannot be said for the torch left behind by the unfairly maligned Halo 5. Many of Halo 5’s most exciting and ambitious choices have been abandoned. Sure, you can climb on top of objects Halo 5-style, but it totally lacks fluidity. That game’s movement system was impeccable and almost totally unique. Using

Ha I dunno they kind of make me chuckle.