
First you really did miss my point which is pretty obvious by your response. And I never said I felt attacked. I don’t agree with most of the political discourse, and I certainly do not 100% support the garbage spewed by so many on the right. I have no issues with abortion, or immigration, I support BLM and LGBT

As a lifelong Democrat can I just say that the liberal bias in media has grown beyond tiresome. Roughly 50% of the US population is conservative. Conservatism includes a large swath of beliefs and opinions and yet anyone who so much as questions the most progressive views is instantly labeled a MAGA Nazi. Whatever

I don’t think the series S is as difficult to get as you’re making it out to seem - they have them in stock at multiple Targets near me. I decided to get one after a few weeks of failing to secure a PS5. I’ll get one eventually, but fuck if I’m going to put that much effort into landing one now.

The core real complaint is that SBMM makes it so that good people have to sweat every match. If you’re at a certain skill level in the game then any reasonable amount of SBMM means you’re gonna face 360 noscope gods almost every match.

Now, I’d argue 2 things against that. 1) Trials is the pinnacle end-game of PvP, so

as I understand it Destiny is not a game you can play in 45 minute-a-day chunks.

Coming in 7 years late means your character is 7 years of progress below your friends so it will take years of grind to even be able to play alongside your friends without instadeath

Here’s my question (and I’m being serious, this isn’t me trying to make a point with sarcasm or anything like that): is it that the game isn’t fun to play any more? By which I mean the actual, moment-to-moment gameplay of Destiny? Or is it that the layers of menus and submenus and different currencies and whatnot is

Ah; that explains where it went; I figured it was something like that! One of my favorite Destiny memories was stumbling into a Blind Well excursion where a player was using the Telesto glitch; I started using it myself after that person using left, and then, before I left, someone else had started, like a sacred

And we’ve no guarantee that in a year the PS5 will be any easier to find.  This shortage issue has existed since launch with very little change.  This is pretty much unheard of in past generations.

Seems kinda shitty when it’s still so difficult to buy a ps5 right now 

Is it just me or did all of the acting seem super awkward? Like the dialog is of course out of context, but it still felt off. Combine that with poor camera angle choices and weird clips that don’t make sense (2:33 for example) and its a pretty bad trailer.

Lucasfilm also said PC. so hopefully both? Because I got a PC not a PS5. 

No gameplay, no release date, should mean no coverage. Studios shouldn’t get free press for a fucking title card

“Remade for PS5"

I’m not gonna lie, I am pro-choice, I think his opinion is gross and immoral and I see the point in many of the posts in this thread... but I’m still conflicted about this one.

It’s so weird (and refreshing) to see an honest comment about how shitty Sony is at the top of a comment thread. They’ve been so bad for so long, but yet they are supported in droves by consumers who are willing to ignore incredibly consumer-hostile actions for “more good games.” It’s amazing what good marketing can

I agree with what you said, but it’s the Xbox Series X that has the slightly better specs, not the PS5, but the difference is pretty negligible.

Hes wrong that higher exhaust heat means the heatsink must be doing less as the cooling systems function is to transfer heat from inside to outside the console through exhaust convection. This could either mean that the cooling system was doing its job better, or that the system components were overall running warmer

Or just allow a game to be not refundable if it is less than $10.

Jesus christ, if you like the game, fucking pay for it. I’d apply this to music as well. If you enjoy it, support it. Art has value.