
I know I’m not the target demographic for this but input lag is always going to be a dealbreaker for me.

There is a difference between in world, passive advertising (what was in burnout paradise) and active advertising that interrupts the experience. I hope we can find out what these games are, so we can actively avoid them.

If I hear of any game doing this, I won’t play. If it invades gaming as a whole, I’ll find a better hobby. In short, it’s a terrible idea. I hope everyone involved suffers a series of embarrassing accidents that have everyone laughing in their faces for all time.

I mean, the difference is in your comment: “freemium.” If I pay 60-70 bucks for a game and have to watch ads between rounds/games/quarters/periods/matches/whatever, then they can definitely fuck right off.

If the games end up being free-to-play, then it’s not really an issue, however annoying it is.

Hopefully this crap doesn’t start on PC lol, it would be like them begging to have their games pirated.

Wait, how is this any different than any mobile freemium games that ask you to watch video ads for slight boosts or goodies?

Except Starfield is releasing on PC too, a platform where games have to try and cater to many different specifications of hardware, so I don’t really buy Todd’s “ability to focus line”. I don’t have any skin in the game; I mostly play on PC, I just think Todd is generally full of it. Fair play to Pete Hines for not

Uhh, it’s not an exclusive if it’s available on PC, right? Also, Redfall is not Xbox exclusive, it’s ALSO on PC. So what’s with the whiney tone? When Sony starts releasing it’s “exclusives” on PC, we can talk. Till then, Sony is clearly the bigger sinner here. 

This article (and especially the title) is very misleading, considering that it is also coming out on PC.

You take the shot, obviously.  Anything less than your best is disrespectful to Garrus.

Interesting. Everyone has an opinion, but man, I completely disagree with yours. Lol. 

Of all the sites to shutter due to an advertiser influenced pivot to video, who would’ve thought it’d happen to Giant Bomb.

I never said the developers did this on purpose. However, their game design can still be considered flawed.

Whenever a character is dropped into a room without any enemy or environmental interaction, does character go through the same uninterruptible animation?

If the answer is ‘yes,’ then that’s a flaw in their

This feels like bad game design. The player has to wait for a character animation to finish to gain control, but the character is still vulnerable to environmental/enemy interaction. If this was an online game, one might think they suffered lag.

Drop the character into the room, but at least allow the player to control

Any 24 hours cycle media will have issues of misinformation or disinformation. Then, you take that, add a couple of million people who are doing the exact same thing, you now have millions of 24 hours channels that felt the need to comment on anything in order to fill the time.

I think “just not a great gamer” is a bit harsh, but I agree with your key point that having an unmistakeable visual (and auditory, if the inevitable pounding heartbeat sound effect is anything to go by in so many games) cue that “dude, you need to fuck off outta there, like, now” is a very good way to get the

Same. I’m mostly happy with the way my guy looks, but there’s this one legacy helmet I want to apply as an ornament.

I’m less outraged with the system given that - off the top of my head - there’s only 2 armor pieces I’d actually want to have. For die hard completionists this is a pain in the ass, but when it comes to the fashion game there’s less to be mad about IMO, unless you want a lot more than 2. Then it’s way more terrible

If the glaring tits is not enough to point out the PORN. Sure, Jan.

The writing in Outriders is so bad. The low quality of writing (particularly dialog) in games is a bit of chicken and egg to me. Do so few people who play shooters also read actual (not genre, although even most non-self-published genre isn’t this clunky) The bar seems so very very low, and I can’t tell if it’s