
Video games are different from other media in that you aren’t just passively experiencing something, you are an active participant in the events. Watching movies or TV, or even reading books about difficult, unhappy subject matter is one thing - playing a 35 hour game of unhappiness, misery, and cruelty is, in a way,

The one game where I even quit watching a youtube playthrough. I’m getting tired of misery porn dominating media, particularly when real life seems to be trying its best to emulate the trend.

So the name Destiny 2 is just ridiculous now, right? Especially if they’re gonna start cycling in content from D1?

The mysterious ships have been teased in the game for years, and now players will finally get to see them first-hand and up close.”

I have no idea how anyone can call Leviathan ‘not relevant anymore’. It’s host to a pretty significant amount of content. That said, I’m at least listening to what they have to say with and open mind (if not an open wallet... I’m still skipping this season).

Removing old content like this is going to kill the game. It’s killed every other game that’s ever done it. You do NOT strip content from an online game like this. It kills any reason for players to return and limits content for new players. Coupling this with the sunsetting this game is truly screwed.

The sunsetting of Io, Titan, Mercury, Mars, and Leviathan along with all of the PVE content associated with them at the end of the season... now that is a way to fight FOMO. Oh wait.



Wow.  How far into the B-roll of blog ideas are we by now?

If nuance is a concern, shouldn’t we be using the phone app on our smartphones? 

Thanks for the laugh. Not sure if this tops thawing my food in my washing machine, but Lifehacker has been killing it lately.

But we are all entitled to our own opinions and that’s fine. :)

Its about squeezing more money out of the fruit. You already bought the license. So it isn’t about having a right to play the game, because you have to buy the game to play it on Geforce now. It’s about greed. Pure and simple.

“Rough start” is an understatement.

I guess they’ll want to squeeze LG for money when I use a steam link to play on my TV next.

The people in Destiny who enjoy PvP, casual PvE, Raids and these mindbender puzzles are pretty much four distinct groups in the community. I don’t see why that’s a bad thing.

I’m enjoying this puzzle because even though I’m not a raider or a top tier player, I can still contribute by running through the Corridors and sending my puzzle code to a community spreadsheet.

“Unless that was poorly-worded sarcasm, I guess.”

Like the entire article is sarcasm