
Honestly this is a small gripe. The game is flush with content (almost an overwhelming amount) and it’s fun to play. And this is coming from someone who has been a Destiny downer for years.

Xbone was/is a debacle? News to me

I think you are confusing why they said they got rid of self-revive with why they actually got rid of self-revive.  They got rid of self-revive because it broke too many encounters and it was easier to get rid of that than fix the encounters plain and simple.

I also live in a not-podunk Texas city and I pay 70/month for 18 mb. On a good day I get 10. I doubt my story is unique.

Clearly, read the article.

What you’re talking about would be pointless and costly work only to pander to people who want to fap and play at the same time.

Really? You’re going to pass on what by all accounts and standards seems to be a great game because of anime pantsu?

Not sure what you mean by “this game never changed and continues to not change” because quite a lot has changed with Shadowkeep.

What are you playing now? My group takes breaks but our consensus is destiny still offers the best gameplay, experience for co-op pve fps content, nothing even seems to come close to what a destiny raid offers

I get the feeling that Eriana’s Vow in particular is meant to be something you do passively, over the course of this expansion’s lifecycle. Because you’re right, the percentages are absolutely crazy and it just doesn’t make sense to actively spend time grinding it out to the exclusion of other quests.

It has nothing to do with their physical build but with the level of access you get. When I fly fist class (not often) I am paying for the access I get and the ability to only have to wait for my fellow first class travelers to use it if there is a line. Its about convenience which can be just as important as comfort.

It's just common courtesy and class. Obviously the author has none. And yes its because you didn't pay up for first class. 

Seems about as dense.

I can’t find the clip right now, but I saw one time at a Q&A at a Con, someone asked Baker for tips on getting into voice acting.

He gave this whole speech on getting the best microphone you can find, then just constantly practicing through reading books to yourself and recording them and playing them back and things

I’m confused as to what you’re actually asking for here.

Forsaken originally was $40. And then it was an additional $35 for the Forsaken Annual Pass.

Then Forsaken + Annual Pass was supposed to be $40 all together once Shadowkeep dropped.

But then Bungie decided to go even cheaper and make Forsaken + Annual Pass $25

I don’t like microtransactions but I don’t like a subscription fee equally as much. I like to pay one amount and get the full game ad free. I’m apparently the minority though or there wouldn’t be such horrible monetization in the mobile world.

 Now all I can picture is a bunch of those armored meatheads taking a tea break and daintily nibbling on pastries. 

It’s very likely most good spots were already completely taken. There was some news on the state of Narita airport thanks to the typhoon and it looked like the entire airport was filled to the brim with people stuck. He likely had to make due with whatever he could find.

Won’t buy until it does tbh, plenty of other games have offered cross-save at this point... it is possible...

Okay as someone who is actually gay, it’s going to take a *lot* more than an shampoo bottle to offend me. This is remarkably silly stuff going on. The level geometry thing miiight be a bit much, but honestly I’ve seen much worse stuff embedded by the developers into old Nintendo games. Crass humor isn’t by itself