
It doesn’t even matter though - if there is perception of a problem, then there IS a problem. Anti-consumer microtransactions models are a problem, and in games like Overwatch where the loot table is increasing and allows for duplicates, the user experience will deteriorate over time. Even if that weren’t the case,

At this point, I don’t care about the drop rates - just increase the damn cash drops on duplicates so it’s reasonable enough for average players to actually buy a couple yellow tier skins and goodies by the end of an event (and/or don’t make the event skins so insanely expensive).

“Damn your truce,” one grumpy middle aged man living with his parents said on the Battlefield 1 reddit. “I want my n00b harvest.”

You think this was bad... just wait until they reveal that Zarya is straight.

Xbox ED isn’t cross platform play. The universe is the same (e.g. place names/discovery) but there is no player interaction between xbox and pc. That is what C smooth is talking about.

I’d say it’s the opposite, in that in quick play the people picking sombra have no idea how to play her and thus don’t do so effectively, making her feel like a pointless character. The good players are doing pretty well but I don’t think she’s overpowered. I am not a very good player but after adapting to her play

The problem, he said, echoing Datto, is that “in order to fix that, you change up what makes Destiny... well, Destiny.”

I’m rather surprised you/they can discuss competitive play in Destiny without bringing up the lack of dedicated servers or the damage that the mesh networking model has done to the gameplay, especially in trials. Not only does it propagate a single person’s lag to impact every player in the game in some way, it also

While many may agree with you, this is exactly the type of feedback that ruined all development on the modern day story/overall story arc and led the franchise to paint itself into a corner at AC3. Not only did the modern day story finally get interesting before the last Desmond story, it provided a venue for Ubi to

1111 hours.

xbox has offered multiplayer promo weekends to xbox silver users as well, so there is precedent, but that is generally with games produced/distributed by microsoft.

not old enough - pinball, pacman, and yar’s revenge on the atari 2600 were my time sinks before I finally got a ninentdo.

“The Lego Movie”

No doubt, and that was the point I was making. Small tech companies are indeed especially bad, as are industries like movies where projects are short. When I said ten years I was referring to general coporate behavior in the west - that’s usually around the point they treat you as a loyal long term employee they

That behavior is not just because complacency of individuals, I believe it has to do with the immovable behavior of the corporate world in Japan. They aren’t nearly as capitalistic as companies in the west, with a culture of loyalty and stability rather than innovation, advancement, and maximization of profits (Toyota

Agreed, the statement is so much bull it makes me angry. If anything there are more artisans out there who wish they could do this kind of work, but are unable to do so because the industry itself is blocking them from doing high quality work at livable wages. And this does not just go for anime, though it is one of

And everyone in the audience wondered why they were seeing spots the next day.

Dresden Files. It really would make an incredible series with the right people involved, and most importantly, Jim Butcher himself. He’s certainly expressed some interest, but it would need big vision to match the wild action and snark of the books. Butcher+Whedon could possibly be the recipe to shatter all of geek

I’m having trouble finding it, but didn’t farscape have an *actual* spacing scene which was far more accurate? Seems odd to chose a silly dream like that instead.

“Also, Sony says they plan to bring Remote Play to PC and Mac, which doesn’t seem nearly as useful as getting it on Vita but may be helpful for people who have to share TVs.”