
No, MAPI, the Outlook Messaging API. IMAP isn’t even an option for many exchange users these days as it is frequently disabled on exchange because it doesn’t support many of Exchange’s security and management features. Note that this article and responses are very old and outdated. I haven’t used Evolution in years

There’s no reason for you to go all fanboy on me, I like both series quite a bit but the animation quality of the two is not the same. I say that out of personal experience and opinion with photography, videography, and CG. FMA just got a higher level of care (and money) that Arslan did not. If you don’t agree with me

Yes, I did, and the animation is definitely not on par with FMA. The style is the same but the simple backdrops, frame skipping, reuse of sequences, hokey CG, etc. are all a big difference - what happens on a smaller budget.

The anime production quality isn’t nearly on the same level as FMA (story either, though it is pretty good) but yes the character design is virtually identical.

No, mine is original, and I’ve had it for years.

Didn’t realize it was out of print now, glad I still have my copy - I bought that soundtrack probably a year before I even watched the series, after listening to a friend’s copy :)

THX 1138 reference as well :)

To further that - it’s a bit depressing that Doctor Who has (far) more thought-provoking plots and serious social commentary than modern Trek. Neither gets many points on the science side though. :)

One could say that’s because Star Trek died before it’s 50th so there’s nothing to celebrate in that respect. “NuTrek” is most definitely not Star Trek outside of names. It’s fun, it’s entertaining, and it’s fan-service-y, but it’s just not Star Trek - it’s Star Trek characters in a fantasy Star Wars-ish universe

I’d argue B5 at least deserved a callout in the article though, because in terms of breadth and ambition of the majority of your talking points, nothing comes closer or was near as successful. You even say “have never been copied” in the headline, where B5 most certainly did on MANY of them, and was the first thing I

“By contrast, Nero’s weapon in J.J. Abrams’ first Star Trek does actually feel menacing, because we actually see it destroy Vulcan, a place we have a connection to, which we’ve spent some time on in this film.”

“This symbolizes the fact that Luke Skywalker is the first person ever to acknowledge his own dark side, rather than rejecting it, which has turned Luke into a “whole new entity.””

No, nor do I feel like the rest of the game is “oddly broken”, since with TTK they’ve actually fixed quite a lot. The main remaining problems with the game are related to the mesh networking model which isn’t going to have a proper solution until the next full game.

If you ever grew up wanting to be an astronaut or even took a rough interest in NASA, I can’t recommend enough that you watch Space Brothers. It’s written as all-ages fare and certainly simplifies things, but it’s actually *about* adults (that unlike other anime actually act something like 30-somethings or older for

An easier was is just to start an xbox live party and sit in there alone (make invite only if you don’t want friends dropping in). That way you don’t have to fiddle with chat settings or mute before each game.

Indeed, the original Orpheus sold for twice original retail value in the mid 2000s. That’s actually solid investment for those who got the set as low as 10K (and with lifetime support from Sennheiser no less, so not the usual risk of selling/buying used).

There’s a flip side to this too, that this and other subscription services exist because we want content, not ads, and plenty of people are legitimately willing to pay for it. As long as the price is fair and people are still able to post their free cat videos I don’t see a problem. We very much asked for this

You do realize that if they reduce the range/damage of shotguns further than what they are right now, hit registration and distance will only become more irregular and result in *more* “bullshit I should have killed him” moments. The fact is, Destiny’s lag in their mesh networking model means some distance on the gun

Never equip the last word when heading into a match while working on that quest, deaths don’t count if you don’t have it equipped. Equip it after you are sure you have (un)worthy opponents.

You are not the only person experiencing this, a *lot* of people are facing this problem when placing solo, to the point that it’s inexplicable - I mean it should be 50/50, right? The team that’s not losing is winning after all? Lots of mediocre players are being placed on teams of true new players, as if matchmaking