
Agreed, if you played that insanely in the first month you didn't really enjoy the game or all the content, you just set out to finish as quickly as possible (couple weeks of FATE grinding I imagine, wooo). The game is also clearly designed to release episodic story addons as well with major patches. What's in there

ANECDOTE: I've been using the same primary controller for both consoles since 2008. In that time, I've been through four Xbox 360 battery packs for my 360 pad, either as a result of hardware failure or a loss of charge. The PS3's in-built battery, meanwhile, still lasts for hours, which is insane when you consider my

It's not perfect, but it does the job for what it's intended for, which is tell the majority of the population what will make sense for setting up a home theater. Gamers and videophiles will have their own standards, and will notice more detail due to the subject matter (the chart is targeting home theater)

The lore-drops and revelations in the present-day will likely disappoint those who had been hoping to see some larger reveals in the wake of the near-apocalyptic culmination of Assassin's Creed III. A couple of familiar faces turn up, but most of your time will be spent wandering around a game-development studio,

I miss Ronon. :( Even though he would totally kick my ass.

In Grand Theft Auto V you drive. You always drive. You can choose to walk but there is never a sense that you should. It never feels encouraged. Your mission points are dotted throughout a massive sprawling city and moving on foot requires a massive commitment.

While agree with you personally, none of this matters to people suffering from extreme depression. It's not the mentally healthy people that are committing suicide in the first place. I've been around those people, and logic does not apply to their thought patterns. They look for any escape.

I'm really tired of people seeing these sorts of comments as a buzzkill or a tirade. For Neil deGrasse Tyson and others in the scientific community see this as an opportunity to educate the masses in a light way and poke a little fun at hollywood. There is nothing wrong with that and it does not ruin the movie in any

Watch the anime Last Exile if you haven't, the text will drive you absolutely bonkers ;)

Except, (further spoilers), you get a fairly strong impression in the postgame that Desmond isn't 100% dead, much like his predecessor, per Revelations. I know they said his story is done, but *something* is still amiss there.

For the record, you can jump to your death in several spots, at least with the HP of a mid-level mage. I've done it twice - the second time was an accident, honest :)

The wing designs are for mounts, looks, and maybe atmosphere where appropriate (there's talk about possible over-planet, in-atmosphere scenarios) - the physics are based off the thrusters. Go to the RSI website and look at some of the videos. It's not just for looks, the physics in space are actually modeled, and if a

Ugh, that kinda sucks. I wasn't even able to buy/play the game until this last weekend, and I'm not a heavy player, so I probably won't get to see this before it's gone. :(

No, that's just bokeh. Like normal lenses make at a wide aperture.

"...prepares to deliver the Xbox One to a next-gen-hungry world."

Of course that said, it does still make for a funny GIF.

You do realize that women do the exact. same. thing. when an equally hot guy walks by, right? And the simple fact is no one would ever chastise a woman for doing so (except her significant other, possibly if he has a death wish). The problem isn't the looking, it's the proportions and the much worse things that

There's no need for a hack, Steam has stated in the past that they will release updates if the service shuts down that would effectively disable the need for server auth. Certainly it requires trust in Valve, but so far they have earned that trust. They have also shown trust in their users by allowing offline mode to

"We just want them to say that third-parties can or cannot restrict used games. We want to have that iron-clad for readers. And that's why we keep asking."

Well... fwiw I actually have a Sony CRT HDTV from my old apartment that has DVI (and supports HDCP)... so CRTs are not quite out of the running entirely. ;)