
ROD (both the OVA and TV series), Blood+, and Darker than Black are all excellent series IMO. My-HIME is decent, but a bit thick on the convoluted plot devices in the name of fan service. The rest I haven't seen, mostly because they aren't really anything I am interested in (I've seen bits of Slayers, but not

so does the difference in makeup and a little photoshop. :)

The scene is an off-the-shelf model, the point of the demo is the lighting - doing real time realistic lighting - the "path tracing" part. Instead of just faking shadows and DOF, actually doing rough ray tracing to capture them in real time.

The entire point of this is the lighting, the scene is standard stuff, they are just using it to demonstrate the lighting engine. The article kind of misses the point.

The difference is that both the nature of the game and the way Bioware interacts with customers gave customers more opportunity *not* to move on. The fact that one particular statement was very directly contradicted didn't help with that sense of betrayal floating around either. Basically they opened the floodgates.

I hope one of the features they get out of the money is a little less 2D, a little more 3D. I'm fine if the game-play is fundamentally 2D as they say, but I really enjoy rich environments, and this setting could be really awesome in that respect.

I find it more plausible than the group getting stoned before writing the ending or the indoctrination theory. The ending reads/plays distinctly like something written by someone with blinders on and no copy-editor.

That's enough new to get people to stop screaming about how they refuse to pay for the "real" ending, which I at least am thankful for. :)

Mac may have helped him write it, but the implication is that he/they came up with the ending story and plot with minimal feedback.

Yes, I'm just talking about the writing. There have been a couple rumors including a supposed post by another writer - which is denied by EA but still strongly looks like they are just covering their tracks - that say the ending was written by Mr Hudson or just him and one of the other writers without any real input

"With the Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut we think we have struck a good balance in delivering the answers players are looking for while maintaining the team's artistic vision for the end of this story arc in the Mass Effect universe"

I doubt there is post-game DLC. There very well may be sequels in the same universe though (despite what people say, there are many ways it could work). They don't want people jumping off the franchise because of this.

And, if you look at the next article on lifehacker, it has a banner - presented by internet explorer....

"Meanwhile the Xbox 360 controller on the floor by the couch just gets drooled on."

They didn't "keep" the pearlescent with Knoxx, they made proper pearlescent weapons, which are properly awesome if you get one of high quality. Pearlescent before that was just a color bug of certain combinations.

correct, because the story originates in 1988 if you look at the web site.

Babbages, software etc, eb games. We used to have them all, now we just have malls with 2-3 gamestops in them.

It's really a shame that lasers are as tone-deaf and bad at following their director as my choir was in high school, but A for effort and coolness factor. :)

These I didn't mind as much as the birds on Rannoch. I'm playing an infiltrator, and I saw "ooo, birds", so I zoom in with my sniper rifle, which not only shows you they are sprites, but the frames of the animation due to the time dilation effect. Ugh, totally ruined the moment. Even low poly models would have been

I don't think there is one. I think Ubi's reasoning has more to do with "ninja game" stigma than it actually being an overused setting. Though it blows my mind that they used the American revolution *instead* if that's the case. Especially looking at that collectors box set they've set up for Europe.