Am I the only one OCD enough to always be bugged when I see people walking around with the iPad 1 case with the back flap not tucked in properly... ;)
Am I the only one OCD enough to always be bugged when I see people walking around with the iPad 1 case with the back flap not tucked in properly... ;)
Awesome, I didn't even know this was out, and it's showing near me! Thanks so much for the heads up, this has me more excited than most of the list. :)
Did they test this with the aide of a guy who whacks you with a bat every time you reach for a cigarette? I think that would improve the odds slightly.
Who comes out ahead? If it makes people look at other brands that aren't as ridiculously overrated and overpriced, I'd say the consumer comes out ahead. Monster is a profit hog that feeds on consumers who don't do research before they buy, and Beats is just a pile ego manifest.
True type fonts from whatever source you want. If you have a PC font you prefer, you can just copy it from the windows font directory. There are some decent free fonts for reading too, but it takes a little hunting. It all depends on what you prefer for reading though.
One nice thing about android apps is some actual file system access - with aldiko at least, you can add your favorite reading font to a directory on the SD card and you're set.
Nook for android is a serious failure currently. Which is strange, since BN has been such a great android supporter with their devices. Not only is the app slow and unstable, but the fonts and layout are inconsistent between devices - on my nexus especially, even the smallest font size is too large. Page margins are…
You want to spend your vacation in a room full of samsung TVs? Man, I guess you're in the right job and all, but wow, you need to get out more.
Thanks, I already read that, which is why I edited my post to note that it was discontinued. They were bought by amazon a couple years ago but apparently the discontinuation was recent. Frustrating that they bought and killed the project after sitting on it for a couple years, without bringing any of its features to…
"This, of course, is because the planar magnetic drivers have a bigger diaphragms than dynamic and electrostatic drivers"
If you are already saving for a Stax or D5000, don't discount these as an option. If you can find a meet or someone who owns them to give them a listen, you may find that you like them better - Planars have a different sound than stats, and you have more options for amps to pair them with in the future. Personally I…
It does have them, but no, they aren't touting them. the by-wire manual focus and other designs wouldn't make it anywhere near as practical for video as a 5D anyway, so I can see why they wouldn't bother. Like with the X100 I'm sure it was just "because we can"
Those pages have been pulled, it was a false alarm from a vendor. The previous quoted price for the body was $1700, so I'm guessing the $2400 was for a kit with lens (which are quoted around 650 each). My guess would be we'll see retail kits in the 2000-2100 range street price after initial release.
"Fuji says it's because that's not what this camera is about"
Seriously, stanza's not on this list? Of the store independent readers I think it's easily the most well regarded. The lack of a big name store is really it's only fault. As a reading app goes it's top notch. (Edit: I now see the post below about stanza being discontinued - arg, that's a big loss for iOS)
I do actually, calibrate my monitors and such I mean.
Specialty. I know what it means but my tongue slipped (not uncommon) ;)
Foxconn is a vendor/contractor - MS, Apple, others supply them with design specifications and they provide a product at their pricing. It's custom, but they are very much a vendor supplying Microsoft with a product. Microsoft can do inspections and have conversations, but they don't have direct control over the…
The silly part is that they tout it as a "TV" at all. Transparent displays can have many practical uses, they're just proprietary, not for watching your favorite movie.
"it looks better than real life"