
@Edge767: My Pre does seem to be a bit snappier in a few instances. I also notice that during phone calls, it will now list next to the number what type of phone I'm calling (Home, Mobile, Office) of that contact.

@DaveDavies: The purpose of the hole is so that you can fold it to 1/4th the size while still having full access to all 4 quadrants of the map.

@Joe: Sprint Simply Everything Data Plan includes data/texts, and 450 minutes for $70 a month. This includes GPS functionality and Sprint TV and all those other sorts of things.

@Stirk: I have yet to figure out why people cannot just enjoy the natural taste of something, and feel the need to douse things in lards and spices.

I have to use IE7 at work as some of the websites I need to access don't work properly on other web browsers.

Would have welcomed this a few months ago, before I found Digsby. Now I could care less.

I've been using this to sync my documents for school between my desktop and my laptop. Works great and seamlessly.

I tried LogMeIn Ignition on my desktop, got it cheap via a coupon code I found online (something like $15 or so) and, feature-wise, its a lot nicer than any VNC client, and even the web-based LogMeIn method.

@Mikebrown: I think jupiter meant "Limewire. Do Not Want," not, "Limewire gimme gimme."

But what of the Zombies?!