
That Sporty 4:40 bit really got me. Possibly my favourite bit next to Mantzoukas' vampire who just wants to make it so you don't get the watery shits.

Yeah, this show's main quality is how deft it is. It's kind of amazing really, straight out of the gate, one season, deft as all fuck.

It's fucking. The answer is fucking. Until some tech company finally comes clean and just straight out says, "Yeah, you goddamn weirdos can use this for fucking, we've spent millions and now you can fuck stuff in a way that's objectively terrifying" VR goes nowhere.

Also, this show would be better if your mum was talking to Ellie as well as you


71, this is kind of tedious oh god what am I doing with my life


69 heh heh and so forth

well at least you can summon the energy to comment and tell people about it

I really, really, really hope that you didn't mean "irked" and that instead you are attempting to coin the phrase "urked", as in; being annoyed, you know, like if you'd had to spend time with Urkel.

Malcolm - really got in there ahead of the aspergers curve and almost holds up perfectly

You're also radically underestimating how long the production cycles are on these shows. All the writing/storyboarding stuff would have been done 18 months - 2 years ago. Fan theories, by definition, have no impact.

That was a fantastic half hour of TV. My love for silly structuralist jokes knows no end and the scene with the army guys declaring their love in a totally unearned moment of huge, HUGE drama was maybe the best one I've ever seen. For me this show is the perfect mix of beautiful silliness and conceptual bits that I

Judging by the lack of comments, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that this show is not setting the world on fire. Oh well, you guys should still try and get your hands on the Australian version, it's better in every way from the characterization to the cinematography.

hahaha "you pretend to have cancer and we'll scam money out of kickstarter! We'll be thousandaires!"

Exactly. When compared to Adventure Time, Steven's mistakes don't mean anything. Where Finn may fuck up every now and then, he seems to genuinely learn from his mistakes, whereas Steven just does the opposite of what other people tell him to do.

Yeah, I think it's the nature of Whooch to be relegated. It follows the structure you would expect of a podcast, but Howard is so, so not a natural broadcaster that it's always going to feel a bit off to a reviewer.

Jesus dude, calm down. That whole "overly verbose trying-to-be-Sherlock-Holmes-or-some-shit" stuff is wearying.

They specifically addressed why he couldn't be a police officer, because he failed the psych test really, really badly.

This show is doing so many clever things with sketch comedy. And the parts where the actors interact with each other as themselves really lifts this series above the first one (which was still really good).