
Sweet. I'm pretty sure Ubuntu has an option to do this in its installer, but the ability to make any Ubuntu distro into a portable OS is huge!

I don't think this is a very good idea. Posture is regulated by a bevy of muscles in the back, and one of the primary causes of poor posture is weakness in one or more of these muscle groups. As in any strength or endurance training, it's important to give the muscle or group being trained an opportunity to relax

I'm usually the first guy to stick his hand out as a greeting. Handshakes are important in business and social situations alike for myriad reasons. If you're genuinely worried about contamination or just a germophobe, carry around some disinfectant wet-naps and covertly wash your hands afterward. If questioned, you

@awh: That's the exact model I got and I love the thing. It's far from perfect and nowhere near high-end, but the price is so, so right.

Does anyone know if this works in Thunderbird? If not, I'll check when I get home.

I've had HUGE benefits from these hidden perks. When my laptop died, it was out of warranty from the manufacturer, but my dad's AmEx doubled the warranty from one years to two and it was still covered. I paid $1,400 for the laptop originally and got $1,200 for it... two years later.

Uh... guys?

This box used to be unchecked by default and I always enabled it. It's really annoying to have the tab bar float in and out of existence whenever I go from one tab to two and back again, moving the whole page around.

Saved to my enV Touch. Absolutely wonderful for on the go.

@jayteemo: Incorrectly, perhaps. Or maybe inefficiently? I didn't find it very intuitive. I have Gmail and Thunderbird IMAPed to one another and do all my organizing in Thunderbird. I find it a lot easier to find everything, for some reason. Labels just... seemed like a jumbled mess, I guess.

This is a welcome change, one that will get more (small) businesses to go to Gmail instead of the pricier (yet more standardized) Outlook/Exchange format. Not having folders for organization is crippling, and even as a private user, I found labels next to useless for organizing.

Cool little ditty! Sure beats the old screenshot-and-MS-Paint method. Of course, this is going to take Facebook photos to a whole new level...

This doesn't seem to work with iTunes (the only thing I can get on my work PC).

@tptcat: A friend of mine did that, too... and also marveled at the low cost of living. And here I am thinking that rent back in Rochester is dirt cheap compared with my beloved Tri-State Area.

@unruled: Sadly, you're right. It's a pretty disturbing trend that we've been seeing for, what, 10 years now? First it was Xanga (trolling, exploits), then LiveJournal (people left Xanga and the problem moved here), then MySpace (people left LiveJournal and the problem moved here), and now Facebook (had such great