
“supposed to be a space where white people get to spew their nonsensical opinions on black people’s lives”

Exactly. “I’m not racist, so if you don’t agree with me, you must be racist.”

Speaking as a middle-aged white guy, if I get called a racist online I’m inclined to try to follow the argument my accuser is making. It’s entirely possible I am coming across as racist by how I word my argument, or there are thought processes of mine that I haven’t fully examined. Not saying you are a racist, but why

Conversations devolving into cries of racism is hardly a phenomenon limited only to white people or only to the right. Everyone tries to fit the events they see unfolding to their own preconceptions.

Everyone posting white tears memes.

That is accurate. Both are bad. One is worse, but that doesn’t mean the other should be gleefully celebrated.

I’m confused. Because he hasn’t experienced institutional racism, he should be treated poorly due to his race?

Yeah, it’s almost as if you have to think more deeply about what the phrase means instead of taking it at its most literal interpretation. Like a university student.

Really? Because if this site is any evidence, it usually just comes down to hating “you, white person”. Generally, you, white guy.

I have a problem with the course’s name. If there was a class called the “The Problem of Blackness,” or “The Problem of Hispanics,” or “The Problem of Jewishness” this website would be up in arms. Being born a particular way isn’t a problem. Nor should it be treated as such.

“For male showrunners, sexual assault is always the go-to when looking for ‘traumatic backstory’ for a female character.”

Lol, the people who voted for Obama twice are the same people who swung the vote for Trump. You aren’t catering to the worst of the Republican birther crowd. You should be catering to the people who aren’t racist, but want to hear about jobs, the economy, and how they will benefit.

The problem with what you’re saying is that the change that these reasonable people wanted, is the exact opposite of Trump.
Every complaint made about what is going on in this country, and he had taken part in all of them
We’re losing jobs overseas! Well, he was someone who shipped them there!
Nobody buys American

The Dems shot themselves in the foot the moment they picked her. I would have voted Bernie Sanders in a fucking heartbeat. Loved that man. But you all picked fucking hillary. You picked the candidate with soooooo much baggage. She had benghazi still haunting her for god’s sake. Most of the people who voted third party

So, the same nation that elected Obama a mere eight years ago is now all of a sudden a bunch of assholes? Nah, your candidate was just shitty enough to lose to a reality TV blowhard (pending a late miracle!). This says much, MUCH more about Clinton than it does about Trump, or this country.

Not to mention stuff like this stirs up a lot of unnecessary drama.

Social Justice Warriors? Unnecessary drama? I have never seen that happen ever. Except for almost every single Fn thing they decide to complain about. Other than that, I never see that happen.

It’s criticism, but it’s not critical analysis and it’s nothing like what you are (rightly!) describing as worthwhile. It’s not talking about how fiction reflects on reality, it’s just complaining about the people in the shows on the TV with the robots and the dragons not being woke enough.

“But it is, perhaps, a reflection of the way those things are viewed in the real world, and might reflect troubling things about the real world.”

Don’t promote child sex and don’t escort while being a PR agent for a corporation. Is that so hard?