When was the last time the Republican Party had responsible grownups?
When was the last time the Republican Party had responsible grownups?
Anyone with a custom jersey who isn’t a kid with cancer deserves to get cancer.
I mean, the company’s logo is a dude playing polo. Of course they’re gonna produce WASPy bullshit.
This was strictly a business decision. I don’t see how it could have been anything else.
It’s obvious from the measurements that the NFL took (shoddy as they were) and a little bit of knowledge of the Ideal Gas Law (i.e. air pressure decreases as things get colder, which is why your tires are soft in the winter) that the cold weather should have made those footballs measure at around 11.3 PSI. This is…
Your ignorance of basic physics (along with like 97% of the population) is a huge boner-killer that easily outweighs anything Tom Brady has ever done for me.
They took one text message from eight months before the alleged incident that happened to include the word “deflator.” One that no one ever would have seen if not for this completely misguided fishing expedition. If you think a nonapology would have ended this, you’re drastically misinterpreting the character of this…
How do you do it? I can never make it more than 13 seconds before I decide I’d rather listen to commercials on 98.5.
No one even mentioned the cell phone until Goodell ruled on the appeal. The phone was a nonissue until the NFL’s old excuse fell apart and they decided they needed a new one.
Put yourself in Brady’s shoes. The NFL had been leaking false information (o hai Chris Mortensen) for months in an attempt to make him look bad. Brady’s loaded, has celebrity friends, and is married to a supermodel. Would you trust the NFL with the stuff on that phone? They already had all of his texts to team…
If I remember correctly, they only brought up the “hindering the investigation” charge after Goodell “adjudicated” Brady’s appeal, presumably because they were worried their original allegations wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny.
All of the Wells Report’s own data, in light of the Ideal Gas Law, suggests that no one even deflated the balls in the first place. If you had put half of the effort that you spend making unfunny jokes in the Deadspin comments section into paying attention during physics class, you might have figured that out by now.
This has caused me to lose more faith in our courts than anything since Citizens United. Brutal.
Especially given that actual science shows no one probably cheated.
As well they should have in this particular case.
Not to mention brain-scrambling amoebae.
Oh, come on. None of these examples are the least bit comparable. There’s a big difference between an 11-year-old kid not wearing a bike helmet and a 16-year-old stealing a car and running from the cops.
Florida sounds awesome!
It’s a perfectly natural thing for people to do. Maybe you’re a slightly nicer person if you don’t try to apportion blame for things, but thinking about it doesn’t make you a bad person. And if no one thinks about it, society probably does end up with an appreciably higher rate of catastrophe in the future.
Did they deserve it? No. Was it their fault? I don’t see how you could argue otherwise.