Travis of the Cosmos

You forgot to call him "Belicheat."

He graduated? That guy? Good lord.

Is there that much of an overlap in talent? I just don't see Vince Wilfork taking a corner kick anytime soon.

It terrifies me that there are other people out there who have seen this movie.

I've been on the fence about this whole issue for a long time. It's a really complex problem that has roots in at least a dozen distinct aspects of American culture.

I'm always in the mood for a great survival game, so why do so many leave me feeling cold? Is there any game that's done survival well?

I can only speak for myself, but I disliked him because of the "u mad bro?" incident (as a Pats fan, I'd dislike anyone who did something like that), and because he's so brash, which I find obnoxious. I've always believed you should let your work do the talking.

It's not even the winning, directly. It's the presumption of cheating, and the desire to make everything into a scandal, irrespective of facts. The fact that 90% of the country (and a commensurate portion of the media) still thinks—seven years after it was thoroughly discredited—that the Patriots taped Super Bowl

Yeah, because Richard Sherman has never said anything inflammatory that might cause someone to think he's an asshole. Must be racism!

...Let's hope so.

I can live with that trade-off.

• Wear clothing

I think his point was that the era you mentioned consisted of two separate and distinct dumpster fires.

I'm a Pats fan and a huge Belichick apologist, but 36-44 is pretty sucktastic.

I always used to think your "Gregg Easterbrook Is a Haughty Dipshit" section was a little bit cheap and unfair. And then I read this:

I think you're focusing on the wrong half of the legal definition of hearsay. (Are we really arguing about this, lol?) Everything in legal terms is about presenting evidence or proving something. What distinguishes hearsay from other terms in a legal dictionary is that it refers to something someone heard someone else

So we've gone from arguing pointlessly about the meaning of the word "evidence" to arguing pointlessly about the meaning of the word "hearsay." (It would be really nice if someone would write some kind of book defining all these complicated words!) And yet somehow, this is still a more substantive discussion than

It's not evidence, because it hasn't been substantiated by anybody. It's hearsay. Unsourced, anonymous hearsay.

It's not evidence, because it hasn't been substantiated by anybody. It's hearsay. Unsourced, anonymous hearsay.