That's Bert Breer he's answering. There's some history there. For instance, this eerily similar exchange last month:
That's Bert Breer he's answering. There's some history there. For instance, this eerily similar exchange last month:
Good. Those kids deserve to have a 6'6", 300-pound crazy person obsessed with them.
What I've learned from a year of watching SportsCenter:
I'm convinced that 99% of sportswriters have an inferiority complex and/or nurse a not-so-secret desire to be "real journalists." That's why these crossover articles are so fucking insufferable: they're breaking out all their best cliches for what they see as their audition for CNN.
No, it's football, twat?. With rising intonation at the end.
There's a difference between having an opinion and having an agenda. They're mocking a public figure who arguably deserves it (he still won't come out and say he whether he thinks the earth is more than 6,000 years old). They're not trying to bring the guy down. Besides, he's doing a pretty good job of that on his own.
Brockton is the City of Champions, not Boston. Which is surprising, given, well, everything about Brockton.
Have you seen our other newspaper?
The Boston Herald is a widely respected American newspaper?
This poster seems like it will serve two purposes:
You can't rely on time. Get a probe thermometer; they're like $20 on Amazon. And you'll never overcook a piece of meat again.
I swear, every time I get into an argument like this, someone tries to "educate" me with some link to a Wikipedia article (ironic, in this case) that has absolutely no relevance to the subject at hand.
No, I'm just saying that trying to draw a causal link between sexist culture and women not participating in fucking Wikipedia, of all things, is absurd.
I think it's the resentful tone of the article.
I'm pretty sure I'm what you'd call a troll. I was linked here from Deadspin, somehow, and the premise of this article is so incredibly fucking stupid that I couldn't help but get angry at it. I'm guessing that's responsible for a majority of the "trolling" on this particular article.
Yeah, Wikipedia has an incredibly oppressive locker room atmosphere. I couldn't even view a page until I clicked through two "SHOW YOUR TITS" prompts, and referring to Queen Victoria as a "two-bagger" is totally unnecessary. And I swear, that jigsaw puzzle orb is undressing me with its eyes.
...not being interested in that particular hobby?
My god. I swear, reading some of the stuff on this site is like arguing with a two-year old. It's obvious even from the title that the author has an axe to grind with someone. Wikipedia has no application process; no way of even knowing what a given user's gender is. I've been on Wikipedia literally every day for the…