I realize that. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.
I realize that. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.
Yes. It really can. There are indirect benefits other than the pure financial “being paid to write a joke” compensation that comes from having credit on an item. If I’m a comedian trying to get a tryout at a comedy club, and someone says, “I’m not hiring you, I heard all those jokes on Conan a week ago,” I am being…
If you’re intending to monetize it, then I think so. Like thoseFuckJerry assholes on Twitter and Instagram who steal shit from professional comics and regular people alike, strip off their identifying info, and then post it as their own material with an ad next to it. Fuck those people to death.
I also find his demeanor odious. It’s probably not fair since he may be a great guy in reality, but he just comes off as a sleazebag.
I can’t think of a bigger asshole phrase for assholes than ‘fuck you money’. Having it unironically come out of your mouth instantly earns you your asshole card.
Plus that shit is taxed.
$460, 479, which is coming pretty close to what we would call “fuck you” amounts of money.
That was the first thing that stood out to me as well. Hasn’t it been like decades since “Nice glasses, NERD!” was a thing?
Feminist literature is notorious for its tiny print, designed as it is for dainty female eyes. Also, smoke damage from being around too many burning bras.
No Kidding! I was afraid there might be a Special Ops HBO Agent outside the studio waiting with a broadsword.
Brown people doing stuff?!?!! ZOMG MADISON AND CONNER ARE GOING TO COMBUST!!! I imagine Lilly Singh’s new show taking the place of Carson Daly’s late night gig has a whole bunch of #6fs triggered as hell. South Asian, bisexual, WOMAN?!?!?!??! Holy shit, tic tac toe!! lol
It’s called having their cake and eating it too...and calling you an “ingrate” if you don’t thank them for the crumbs they “graciously” allowed to drop your way...and calling you a “cheat” if you pool your meager resources to make a much better cake than the one they’ve been lording over you with.
Do you realize that you just solved the world’s energy problems? There is never a shortage of white tears. Unlimited, clean, renewable energy.
“Slender Man, Pennywise, The Alien, Reverse Racism.”
White folks always be saying “If you don’t like the way white people run things, then do it yourselves.” Then they throw a shit fit when a black man takes their advice.
I don’t get it, he stated he doesn’t see a likelihood of his using a white male lead right now...didn’t say he’ll never use one. Besides, as a white male myself, I’ve got more than enough entertainment specifically for me, and the world is much bigger than my lonesome self. I’ll never understand why people feel…
“Wait, a movie without a white lead!?! A black director asserting his ability to cast whoever the fuck he wants!? REVERSE RACISM PATROL, ASSEMBLE!”
Hot take: The roommate’s reaction to the pun guy was 100% warranted.
Cousin Eddie: The College Years
Buddy, if you’re wearing an Ultimate Frisbee jacket in public, the white trash homophobe isn’t the nightmare roommate.