
The white liberal and the white racist both share the most common trait of whiteness: The need to take the driver’s seat. The white racist is just honest and upfront about his belief that he’s the only one who knows how to drive, while the white liberal expects a pat on the back because he merely believes that he’s

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess this is the kind of butthurt Bernie Bro who decided that since he couldn’t have Bernie as the Democratic nominee he was going to vote for Trump instead.

Oh come now, dear. You didn’t care long before you ever saw this list.

If one article or comment makes you no longer care whether or not racism will exist forever, well, then you probably didn’t really care in the first place.

#12 “I was riiight on the fence of caring about black people but since my feelings got hurt online, they’re on their own” guy

Who said this was about helping a cause? Maybe we just want to have a laugh at your un self-aware ass.

#11 “this list is not productive nor a good conversation starter” guy

Maybe you can start by not asking stupid-ass questions.

Maureen Dowd is The Worst. I’m forced to question the intelligence of anyone who finds her ramblings to be insightful.

“I’m smart and I’m contrarian and doggone it, I am influential.” <— Maureen to her mirror every morning, probably.

Maureen Dowd has moved into the Peggy Noonan category of “For the love of God, go away”.

Oh, I feel you SO much on this.

exactly. For someone like David Cross, everyone else remembers meeting him and everything he said. For him it was just a Tuesday or whatever.

Sort of related: My favorite poem by Countee Cullen

I you understand the concept of a script...

I think the key to “I don’t remember” is that they thought nothing wrong with what they did. It wasn’t notable, it wasn’t something they’d remember. Like asking if they remember getting the mail 10 years ago or something.

Oh. My. God. I deal with this all the time with my family. When I came out things were really rough for a while. I had a parent forcefully tell me I was only going through a phase or was bisexual. Now they say that it never happened, or that they don’t “remember that.” It feels like the worst gaslighting.

she remembers word for word a conversation she had a decade ago with a guy who is friends with her then (current?) boyfriend

Oh, this happens to me all the time, too. A few years ago I spoke to my father about something he made me do (not sexual or harmful, just a scary physical swimming challenge) when I was very young, and he vehemently denied that anything like that and would never do that to a young girl. Yeah—he may not remember it

My immediate family members said and did a whole lot of awful shit to me when I was a kid so much so we not exactly tight as adults. I don’t want to be.